
University  of the Philippines Mindanao

2022 Annual Report Highlights


University  of the Philippines Mindanao

2022 Annual Report Highlights

COVID-19 Situationer in Davao City 2

COVID-19 Initiatives & Collaboration 2

End of Chancellor’s Term and Search for Next Chancellor 4

Appointment of Sixth Chancellor 7

Strategic Planning 8

Investiture 11

Culture of Excellence 12

Instruction for 2nd Semester, Academic Year 2021-2022 17

The 24th Commencement Exercises 18

New programs 19

Internationalization 21

Student Academic, Extension, and Support Programs 22

Afirmative Action & Academic Enhancement 28

Instruction for 1st Semester Academic Year 2022-2023 29

UPCA 2023 37

Student Services 1st Semester AY 2022-2023 38

Research and Creative Work 40

Technology Transfer, Business Development, and Startups 54

Extension and Community Service 65

UPMin in BARMM 66

UP Symphony Orchestra 68

Academic Expertise in Public Service 69

Gender 70

Land Reservations 71

Alumni and partners 73

Administration 77

Staff development 79

Resilience 83

Employee organizations 85

UP Mindanao in the News 86


Individual Accomplishments 88

Publications 90

Teams in public service 93

Individual expertise in public service 97

Academic Extension / Public Service 100

COVID-19 Situationer in Davao City

Davao City, home of UP Mindanao, experienced an easing of COVID-19 restrictions in 2022. 

The Davao City local government unit announced Alert Level 1 in March 2022.

The Davao City LGU’s executive orders lifted the RT-PCR requirement for entry to Davao City, the ban on government agencies’ public events, all COVID-19 restrictions, approved all face-to-face classes applications, and the wearing of face masks as voluntary, with some exceptions.

COVID-19 Initiatives & Collaboration

The Davao City government continued the use of the UP Mindanao Multi-Purpose Gym and the Faculty and Staff Housing Building as COVID-19 Isolation Facilities in early 2022. 

Staff housing image:

Gym image:

In April 2022 the Davao City government sent a letter of request for the extension-renewal of the agreement for the use of the two UPMin buildings as COVID-19 facilities. The UPMin administration approved the request for the Faculty & Staff Housing building but excluded the Training Gym. The reason was the need for repair for the upcoming use of the Gym for the planned limited face-to-face classes and sports events. Thus the Training Gym ended its two-year service as a COVID-19 facility in April 2022. 

UPMin hosted a COVID-19 vaccination session on 8 April 2022 on the campus, organized by the City Health Office and the Association of Regional Executives of National Agencies (ARENA-XI). The vaccination catered to residents of Brgy. Bago Oshiro as well as employees and dependents of the neighboring Department of Agriculture (DA) and Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI). 

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UPMin hosted another vaccination session on 7 September 2022 in partnership with the Davao City Health Office where a total of 271 employees, students, and dependents were vaccinated, many with booster shots. Also, a misting disinfection of the campus premises was carried out by the City Health Office on 24 September 2022. [ ]

With the upcoming implementation of limited face-to-face classes, UP Mindanao implemented the Daily Health Check Scorecard beginning 16 May 2022, in compliance with the CHED-DOH Joint Memorandum Circular. Employees were provided with the Daily Health Check Scorecard in their mobile phones and hard-copy forms were provided for visitors. [Image: ]

End of Chancellor’s Term and Search for Next Chancellor

Chancellor Larry N. Digal’s term was scheduled to end on 28 February 2022, and a call for nominees was issued in late 2021 that produced two nominees in Prof. Karen Joyce Cayamanda and Prof. Ruth Gamboa. On 11 Januaery 2022, University President Danilo Concepcion issued an order (Administrative Order No. PDLC 22-03, dated 11 January 2022) extending the call for nominations to 28 January 2022. The search committee announced the additional sole nominee as Prof. Lyre Anni Murao of the Dept. of Biological Science and Environmental Studies and program director of PGC Mindanao.

Chancellor Digal constituted the following committees in January 2022:

  • Revised Appointment of UP Mindanao’s Quality Assurance Committee 

  • Review Committee on 2022 Academic Program Inprovement Proposals

  • UP Mindanao Committee on UP Scientific Productivity System

  • Crisis Management Committee for the Implementation of Limited Face-to-Face Classes

  • Public Service Continuity Plan (PSCP) Technical Working Group 

  • Revised Appointment of Working Group for UP Mindanao’s 27th Anniversary Celebration

  • Ad Hoc Committee on Campus Transportation

The University Student Council shared their Project Pahalipay fund-raising and donation report with Chancellor Digal. They reported having raised PhP 9,600.00 from 10-20 December 2021 and distributed relief packs containing vegetables to the waste workers in Barangay New Carmen, Tugbok District, Davao City on 22 December 2021. 

Chancellor Digal, Pahinungód Director Michael Gatela, and the UP Mindanao team attended the exploratory online meeting between UP President Danilo Concepcion and BARMM Ministry of Basic Higher and Technical Education Minister (MBHTE) Mohagher Iqbal facilitated by the Ugnayan ng Pahinungód System on 28 January 2022. This milestone meeting added momentum to UP Mindanao’s initial linkage with the BARMM MBHTE. 

Chancellor Digal signed an agreement with Mr. Toyoaki "Tony" Miwa for UPMin to accept an annual scholarship grant from the Mindanao J apan Science and Technolo g y Platform , an NGO, in an online ceremony held on 02 February 2022. Mr. Miwa is the brother of former Japan Consul-General to Davao, Mr. Yoshiaki Miwa. The grant is part of the collaboration between UP Mindanao and the Consulate-General of Japan in Davao for the creation of a Knowledge Innovation S&T (KIST) Park on campus. Consul-General Miwa expressed his high hopes for the KIST Park project despite the end of his assignment in Davao. “I am also coordinating with Cagayan de Oro to establish a science and technology park in their city, I hope that both the CDO and Davao projects will be realized so that those two regions will be the growth center in Mindanao, and with a spillover effect in between the areas,” he said. ( )

Chancellor Digal signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the UP Madayaw Multi-Purpose Cooperative (UPMMPC) for collaboration in advancing and mainstreaming gender and development (GAD). The UPMMPC is the cooperative of UP Mindanao personnel. 

To complement the Academic Ease, Chancellor Digal approved the Learning & Development for non-teaching personnel providing staff with days for personal development from February to July 2022, in line with the Civil Service Commission’s (CSC) Alternative Work Arrangements. 

The 27th Anniversary Celebration was held on 21 February 2022. Ten employees were recognized for 25 years of service, the biggest cohort, to date. Eight were recognized for 20 years of service, including Chancellor Digal.

The Gawad Chanselor awardees were:

  • Asst. Prof. Jon Marx P. Sarmiento (School of Management), Junior Faculty

  • Prof. Pedro A. Alviola IV (SOM), Senior Faculty

  • U. Research Associate Joan T. Acaso (College of Science and Mathematics), REPS

  • Iraine Louella O. Rara (Office of the University Registrar), Junior Professional

  • Michelle A. Panis (OVC for Administration), Senior Professional

  • Joel N. Sagadal (Land Reservation Management Office), Supervisor 

President Concepcion, in his message, expressed his pride in UP Mindanao's accomplishments under Chancellor Digal despite the pandemic, his excitement about the new colleges in the works, and his hopes for new items for the faculty and staff, as well as the admission of more Lumad and Muslim students. He reiterated his support for the joint programs with other UP campuses and congratulated the architecture graduates who achieved another 100%-passing performance in the recent licensure exams.

Chancellor Digal received expressions of gratitude and appreciation from students for his contributions as chancellor. At the 27th Anniversary celebration on 21 February university personnel took the opportunity, likewise, to express their gratitude and appreciation to Chancellor Digal.

The video "Looking forward together" UP Mindanao highlights 2019-2022, focusing on Chancellor Digal’s accomplishments, was produced by the Dept of Humanities and had its premiere on 21 February at the 27th Anniversary celebration.

The UP Mindanao Foundation Inc . (UPMFI) President, Atty. Marie Dinah Tolentino-Fuentes issued her President’s Report 2021 on 21 February 2022. She reported that UPMFI has 19 UP Mindanao scholars, who all receive a stipend of P3,000 a month. Six are from Davao City, 4 from South Cotabato, 1 from Sultan Kudarat, 2 from Davao del Norte, 2 from Surigao del Sur, 1 from North Cotabato, 1 from Zamboanga del Norte, 1 from Agusan del Sur, and 1 from Palawan. The UPMFI received a total of P2,510,000.00 in donations from donors and other alumni in 2021.

Appointment of Sixth Chancellor

The University of the Philippines Board of Regents (BOR) appointed Prof. Lyre Anni E. Murao as the sixth chancellor of UP Mindanao during its 1368th Meeting on 24 February 2022.

During the Search for the Chancellor process, Prof. Murao proposed her vision paper with the title, “We Rise: UP Mindanao at the Forefront of 21st-Century Transformation.” (

Prof. Murao holds a Ph.D. in Medical Science in Infection Research from Nagasaki University, Japan. She earned her MS in Microbiology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and her BS Molecular Biology from UP Diliman.

Prof. Murao’s term officially began on 1 March 2022 and ends on 28 February 2025.

Earlier, on 28 January, as the extension period for the call for nominations ended, Prof. Murao was the only additional nominee. The search committee provided her a forum on 02 February to present her vision, which was attended by a majority of UP Mindanao constituents.  

The UP Mindanao personnel held their first return to a face-to-face flag ceremony on 07 March 2022. Chancellor Murao introduced Prof. Annabelle Novero of the Dept. of Biological Science and Environmental Studies, as her Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and Asst. Prof. Leo Manuel Estaña of the Dept. of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science, as Vice Chancellor for Administration.  [ ]

Chancellor Murao:

VCAA Novero:

VCA Estana:

Strategic Planning

Chancellor Murao held consultation meetings with university units and sectors throughout March 2022. On 31 March she met with members of the University Student Council led by Chairperson Andryc Carbonilla (BS Biology), their first face-to-face meeting. The USC presented its 1st semester AY 2021-2022 accomplishment report and the administration proposed the roadmap for the gradual resumption of physical classes. 

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The consultation was attended by (in photo, seated, left to right) OSA Director Salazar, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Novero, Chancellor Murao, University Registrar Cayamanda, USC Chairperson Carbonilla, (standing, left to right) Vice Chancellor for Administration Estaña, CHSS Representative to the USC Flores, OIC USC Vice-Chairperson Bullos, OIC SOM Representative to the USC Cimafranca, CHSS Secretary Gersava, OIC USC Councilor Mirafuentes, and USC Councilor Matalam. 

UP Mindanao officials, faculty, and staff participated in a Strategic Planning Workshop on 27 April 2022 with consultant Dr. Augusto Rodriquez joining online. Chancellor Murao presented her administrative vision and the workshop groups crafted planned outcomes and key result areas (KRAs). The chancellor advised everyone to to consult their units and stakeholders for a more participative planning and to foster ownership. 

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The University-wide Strategic Planning Part 2 was held on-campus on 20 May 2022 where plans crafted in Part 1 were further refined, following the chancellor’s request for the deans to prioritize the outcomes for "Innovation in academic and  research programs." [Image: ]

The UP Mindanao community, composed of the faculty, staff, and students, was apprised of the UP Mindanao Strategic Plan by Chancellor Lyre Anni E. Murao and her team through an online town hall forum on August 25, 2022. Chancellor Murao called for the forum as part of the process of vetting, informing, and mobilizing the constituents’ support towards realizing “our vision for UP Mindanao to be at the forefront of 21st-century transformative education.” [ ]

UPMin and its external stakeholders agreed to partner in a range of activities following UPMin’s presentation of its strategic plan in a meeting on September 27, 2022. The UPMin team pledged more access to higher education and lifelong learning and expanded extension services for its external stakeholders. 

The NEDA-XI announced UPMin’s nomination as a Special Non-voting Member of the Regional Development Council-XI. 

DA-XI asked for precision agriculture R&D and offered their lab facilities and land for use, the Obu Manuvu tribe welcomed more agricultural R&D in the UP Marilog Land Reservation, and Barangay Mintal, home of UP Mindanao, offered solid waste management and recovery. 

The Davao City representative offered a new partnership with the upcoming opening of a National Museum branch in Davao City, in addition to the ongoing partnerships in the Davao City sports complex, the Davao City public hospital, and the recently concluded COVID-19 isolation facilities. The Davao City Chamber of Commerce also pledged to respond. 

The Davao de Oro representative sought food product R&D and regional planning services for their part in the new Metropolitan Davao Development Authority. 

CHED-XI asked for research mentorship for small state colleges, and the DOH-XI and others sought professional development for their faculty and staff. 

DTI-XI pledged to link UPMin’s proposed Knowledge Innovation Science & Technology (KIST) Park to the PEZA and the Batangas State University’s pioneering KIST Park. 

The NCCA invoked the newly-signed Creative Industries Act, which opens new collaboration opportunities, in addition to the wealth of existing grants and resources available for UPMin’s constituents.

DOST-XI offered the “Pagtanaw 2050” Science, Technology, and Innovation Foresight and Strategic Plan, the adoption of quality standards, and a risk-management system for UPMin.   

Visiting sports professor Joy Reyes introduced the National Academy of Sports, a secondary education school, with the hope that its graduates will enter UP Mindanao’s sports programs.

The DOST-XI, CHED-XI, and the Davao City government reiterated their available scholarships for UPMin’s students and faculty members.  

In closing, UP Alumni Association Davao chairperson Nap Concepcion asked the body to collaborate closer so that research will better match society’s needs and contribute to a brighter future for Mindanao.

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Chancellor Murao issued appointments for members of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)  Tracking Committee through Administrative Order No. LAEM 2022-060, in compliance with OVPAA Memorandum No. 2021-108.


The Investiture of Prof. Lyre Anni E. Murao as the 6th Chancellor of UP Mindanao was held on July 19, 2022, in conjunction with the 24th Commencement Exercises. 

In her Investiture Speech, she said, “Let the academic community exercise freedom to discover what is happening around us and to become part of the solutions to these problems.” She addressed the university sectors saying, “Graduates, remember your dreams when you applied for this university. Colleagues, remember your ideals when you became an educator. To our dear personnel, remember your motivation to serve this University. Fellow administrators, remember your aspirations for this University.”

Culture of Excellence

BS Architecture graduates once again achieved a 100%-passing performance in the January 2022 Licensure Exam for Architecture. The program has consistently achieved this passing rate in the recent past. The newly licensed architects are 

- Genisse Reville C. Corona

- Peben Jay F. Fadriquela

- Camela J. Gonzaga

- Maria Eloisa D. Gumanid

- Jasper Andrei E. Lampasa

- Catherine S. Lora

- Maria Agnes R. Malbas

- Marianne Jane A. Navarro

- Alyssa Mae D. Palacios

- Lawrence Daniel Joseph M. Taojo

- John Khenbert L. Yu

Ar. Julius Benedict A. Brillante (BSA 2018, magna cum laude ) placed 3rd in the Architecture Licensure Exam (ALE) in June 2022, scoring 81.80%. He contributed to UP Mindanao’s audio-visual presentation in the Philippine Pavilion at the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale in Italy. With 31 takers passing the ALE, UP Mindanao has once again achieved a 100% passing rate. [Image: Ar. Brillante.jpg ]

Asst. Prof. Kriza Faye Calumba (Department of Food Science & Chemistry) was selected as Outstanding Young Agri-Scientist in the AGREA Young Agri-Laureate Awards 2022, issued by AGREA Farm Estate in Marinduque Province.

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Prof. Jhoanna Lynn B. Cruz of the Department of Humanities was appointed UP Artist 1 by the UP Board of Regents on 9 June 2022. Prof. Cruz's appointment was awarded for her accomplishments in 2014-2018 when she represented the Philippines in international writers’ festivals. She also served as President of the Davao Writers Guild and as Regional Coordinator of the National Committee on Literary Arts for six years. [Image: UP Artist 1 Prof. Cruz.jpg ]

Prof. Annabelle U. Novero was renewed and promoted to UP Scientist II 2021-2023 in the 1372nd Board Meeting on July 28, 2022; she joins Prof. Emma Ruth Bayogan as Scientist II.

AMDABiDSS-Health Program Leader, Dr. May Anne E. Mata, received her recognition as a newly conferred UP Scientist during Agham+Sining: UP Innovation and Knowledge Festival 2022 on November 29, 2022.

Prof. Isidoro Malaque III, Chairperson of the Department of Architecture, received a Special Citation Award in the Australian Alumni Excellence Awards 2022 held in Pasay City on 2 June 2022. Australian Ambassador to the Philippines Steven J. Robinson cited Prof. Malaque for having “contributed new knowledge in the built environments and led in the re-opening of the post-graduate program in Urban and Regional Planning in the University of the Philippines Mindanao.” [Image: Australian Excellence Awards 2022.jpg ]

UP Mindanao and the Center for Applied Modeling, Data Analytics, and Bioinformatics for Decision Support Systems in Health (AMDABiDSS-Health) were awarded as an Outstanding Niche Center in the Region for Research & Development (NICER) in the Science for Change Program—Mindanao Cluster Summit organized by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) on 27 May 2022 in Davao City. AMDABiDSS-Health, in its one year of existence, was awarded for its “enhanced disease surveillance via phylogenomics, epidemiology, and data analytics, successfully demonstrated during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, and its partnership with the Department of Health-Davao Center for Health Development to produce data-driven response in mitigating the transmission of COVID-19,” said the DOST statement. 

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In the photo (left to right): Zython Lachica, Kenneth Barroga,  AMDABiDSS-Health Program Leader Prof. May Anne Mata, UPMin Chancellor Prof. Lyre Murao, DOST Undersecretary Rowena Guevara, Mark Manseguiao, Gabriel Galinato, Von Carlo dela Torre, Jose Gepanaga

Secretary Fortunato de la Peña of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) visited UP Mindanao’s DOST-supported projects on 28 June 2022. He remarked on the importance of UP Mindanao’s Center for Applied Modeling, Data Analytics, and Bioinformatics for Decision Support Systems in Health (AMDABiDSS-Health), an awardee as Outstanding Niche Center for the Region (NICER) in Research & Development, for being one of the few dedicated to health. The secretary also visited the facilities of the Philippine Genome Center-Mindanao and the Autonomous Societally Inspired Mission Oriented Vehicles (ASIMOV) program. AVPs produced by the AMDABiDSS-Health, ASIMOV and SkAI-PINAS research programs were presented during the DOST EXECOM visit.

  [Image: Sec. de la Peña visit.png ]

Prof JIU Rubrico was cited as a “Notable Scientist” in the DOST Balik Scientist Program “Book of Love”, published in November 2021; Separate write-ups for Balik Scientist stints in 2017 and 2018 included as well. Hard copy received last July 4.

UP Mindanao’s UPGRADE was named Outstanding Incubator, and its center manager Richard Day as Outstanding Rainmaker at the Davao Startup Champion Awards Night, the culmination of the Davao Startup Week.

UP Mindanao’s RabCast research program for rabies won 1st and 2nd places in the Data and Public Health Category of the 53rd Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference 2022 on September 22-23, 2022. The paper “Optimal Control Theory Applied to a Rabies Epidemiological Model with Time-Dependent Vaccination in Davao City” was in 1st place and the “Effect of COVID-19, Vaccination Ratio, and Human Population on the Reported Canine Rabies Cases in Davao City” won 2nd place.

Asst. Prof. Kriza Faye Calumba received the Young Investigator’s Research Award (Early Career Researcher Category) at The 12th Asian Conference on Lactic Acid Bacteria held at Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, on October 10-13, 2022. Asst. Prof. Calumba presented the study “Probiotic Viability in Marang (Artocarpus odoratissimus) Juice Inoculated with Putative Lactobacillus paracasei C1I12.”

First year Associate in Arts Sports Studies (AASS) student, Kristine Madeline S. Ibag, won First Rank in the Under-18 Compound Women category during the 2022 Philippine Archery Cup Finals & 2022 Philippine National Archery Championship held in Marikina City on October 28, 2022. Ms. Ibag also set two NEW PHILIPPINE RECORDS during her event with 36 and 72 arrows respectively earning 323 and 641 points.

Mr. Joshua Cambronero, a BS Food Technology student, was awarded a 2022 Undergraduate Thesis Grant on Natural Products worth P50,000 from the Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST PCHRD). His thesis adviser is Prof. Joel Hassan Tolentino of the Dept. of Food Science and Chemistry.

Maryll Dame Delposo, a BACMA Class of 2022 graduate, won a Best Paper and Best in Oral Presentation in the Research category at the 1st International and 4th National Gender and Development Research Congress for her thesis, “Beyond the Closet: 2D Digital Painting in Stylized Art Style as Artistic Representations of Coming Out Stories of Selected LGBTQIA+ Individuals in Koronadal City, South Cotabato.''

Mr. Khent Ivan Duerme (DFSC Faculty) and Ms. Mely Mariz Amargo (Research Assistant) won First Place in the Poster Competition (Graduate Category) at the 12th Regional Health R&D Expo for "Synthesis of silver nanoparticles using bignay leaf extract and their antimicrobial properties against common foodborne pathogens."

Mr. Feb Alexis Marquez, a BS Food Technology student, successfully presented his research at the 5th Young Innovators Program Forum on November 22, 2022.

Mr. Marquez received a grant from DOST PCIEERD for the research project "Application of green silver nanoparticles for dye wastewater treatment" with Prof. Noreen Grace Fundador as his mentor.

Instruction for 2nd Semester, Academic Year 2021-2022

For continuing students, pre-enlistment for the 2nd Semester started on 28 January 2022. Due to reported problems with the Student Academic Information System, the Office of the University Registrar (OUR) activated the Computerized Student Registration System (CSRS), UP Mindanao’s legacy system. 

The second semester of Academic Year 2021-22 opened on 07 February 2022. However, UP Mindanao implemented the easing into the semester, in line with OVPAA Memorandum No. 2022-16, with no sessions and course requirements on 07-20 February 2022. 

On 18 February 2022, the UPMin  administration sent a request to Davao City Mayor Sara Z. Duterte-Carpio for the approval of the Implementation of Limited Face-To-Face (F2F) activities starting the current semester. The gradual opening of the campus would initially involve about 30 people, composed of faculty and non-teaching personnel of the Department of Food Science and Chemistry and their graduating students who need to complete laboratory work for their thesis. On 24 February 2022, an orientation was held for students and personnel and on 26 February the committee completed the “ A Student’s Guide for Limited Face-to-Face Classes ” (

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In March, faculty members continued the development of various course materials for the 2nd Semester, AY 2021-2022. Printed course packs for various courses were prepared for delivery to students in need. [ ]

UP Mindanao began limited face-to-face classes on 18 April 2022 with graduating students of the BS Food Technology and MS Food Science programs. The CHED Regional Office approved the University’s request for the pilot implementation of limited face-to-face (F2F) classes for students who need hands-on laboratory and field work for the completion of their theses. 

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The 24th Commencement Exercises

For the first time since the pandemic, UP Mindanao hosted its limited face-to-face graduation for its 24th Commencement Exercises. Graduates from three batches joined the ceremonies: 88 from the Class of 2020, 38 from the Class of 2021, and 143 from the Class of 2022, the pioneering batch of students under the K to 12 program. In-person attendance was limited, but the event was live-streamed on UPMin’s YouTube page.

UP President Danilo L. Concepcion, in his message, commended the graduates for living up to the expectations and standards of the University. 

“Akong pangandoy nga kamo magmalampuson sa inyong mga damgo,” he said. (My wish is for you to succeed in achieving your dreams.) 

Klarisse A. Cruzado, BS Food Technology, summa cum laude, was the valedictorian of the Class of 2022. She is UPMin’s second summa cum laude and also the second from the BS Food Technology program. She earned a cumulative weighted average of 1.0612, the highest on record in UP Mindanao.

“Character is more important than grades or achievements…the people we will encounter will remember our kindness, compassion, and generosity,” she said in her valedictory speech.

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New programs 

The Department of Human Kinetics (DHK) opened the application period for their existing  Associate in Arts Sports Studies (AASS) and Diploma in Exercise and Sports Science (DESS) programs on 2 March 2022. The DHK conducted an online recruitment campaign for senior high school students and college athletes. They held onsite face-to-face forums in April for Surigao and Bukidnon high school teachers, PE coordinators, and guests. The DHK also met the Davao City Indigenous Peoples’ Mandatory Representative (IPMR) in April to promote applications to the AASS program by indigenous people students. 

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The DHK held forums on the Diploma in Exercise and Sports Science in March and April 2022 for coaches, trainers, and teachers of physical education and various sports, and DepEd Region XI teachers. 

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In the meantime, the Bachelor of Sports Science (BSS) proposal, a qualified pre-medicine course adopted from the UP Diliman College of Human Kinetics, was presented to the UP System Academic Affairs Committee on 12 April 2022 and to the President’s Advisory Council on 19 April 2022, where it was approved for endorsement to the Board of Regents. The UP Board of Regents approved the BSS at its 1372nd Meeting on July 28, 2022 and classes commenced in September 2022, the First Semester of Academic Year 2022-2023.

The Department of Human Kinetics (DHK) held their “ Academic Program Workshop Towards the Establishment of the College of Human Kinetics ” off-campus on 29-31 May 2022. 

On 24 May 2022 the DHK launched their survey for prospective students for UP Diliman’s off-campus Master of Science in Human Movement Science (MSHMS), an extension program of the UPD College of Human Kinetics to be hosted by UP Mindanao. 

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The DHK conducted a public forum on the off-campus MSHMS on 9 June 2022. They  targeted professionals with related degrees such as physical education, sports and exercise, and allied medical sciences. 

The DHK opened applications to the off-campus MSHMS in July 2022 and hosted the off-campus classes beginning September 2022, the 1st Semester of Academic Year  2022 – 2023. 

The DHK signed a memorandum of understanding with Arnis Grand Master Mario Palazuelo of Kapatirang Doble Olisi Escrima (KDOE) Arnis Gym on 23 September 2022, for the implementation of a Sports Academy for Arnis. Arnis has promise in UPMin as four DHK students have won medals in a recent national arnis competition. The Sports Academy for the national martial art, by virtue of Republic Act 9850, began in October and is designed to produce athletes qualified for Antas 1 by the end of the year.

The Department of Biological Science and Environmental Studies issued a Call for Respondents in October for its Survey to Assess the Viability of Offering MS Biology Program in UP Mindanao. `

The Department of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science (DMPCS) launched surveys for two proposed academic degree offerings. The Master of Science in Quantitative Methods and Modeling (MSc QMM) and BS in Data Science (BSDS) surveys, directed at both prospective students and employers, will help in the crafting of the programs. [Image: ]


Mr. Toyoaki “Tony” Miwa, a scholarship provider, visited UP Mindanao on 15 June 2022 for a campus tour. Mr. Miwa is the CEO of the Mindanao Japan Science and Technology Platform (MJ STeP), provider of the Hyphenated Grant Program, a scholarship package for one UP Mindanao employee per year who wishes to obtain an advanced education degree (MS or PhD) in Japan and gain exposure to Japanese universities. Mr. Miwa is the brother of Mr. Yoshiaki Miwa, former consul-general of the Consulate General of Japan in Davao, who initiated the idea of establishing a Knowledge Innovation Science & Technology (KIST) Park on campus in collaboration with the Kitakyushu Science & Research Park in Japan. [Image: Mr. Miwa visit.jpg ]

The Department of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science (DMPCS) organized a webinar, “Some Tools from Dynamical Systems for Mathematical Biology,” with Prof. Edwin Tecaro from University of Houston-Downtown as resource speaker on 27 June. [Image: DMPCS Webinar.png ]

DBSES held Lecture 2 of its Feature Lecture Series on 24 June 2022. Assoc. Prof. Yong-Chao Su, PhD, faculty of the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Environmental Biology and the Director Student Exchange Office of Global Affairs of Kaohsiung Medical University in Taiwan, discussed “Genomic Tools for Biogeography and Ecological Adaptation-Cases of Arachnids and Insects.” [Image: DBSES Lecture 2.png ]

UP Mindanao accepted the invitation to be a Host University for Visiting Professor Program of the United Nations Development Programme’s Innovation for Social Impact Partnership (ISIP), a project that aims to support promising university-based social enterprises to collectively contribute to the SDGs, particularly in Mindanao. The Visiting Professor will be deployed for a 30-hour period between December 2022 to March 2023.

Student Academic, Extension, and Support Programs

“On-Live Talks,” an internet talk show from the Department of Humanities' Academic  Program Improvement broadcasted Episode 1: “Where is the Love? Reuniting Friendships and other Relationships after the Elections’ on 28 May 2022. BA Communication & Media Arts students hosted and contributed video clips to the show. [Image: ]

In June, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences continued running ON-Live Talks, an Academic Program Improvement (API) project of UP Mindanao under the said college. They streamed “ON-Live Talks Episode 2: Positive Psychology” on 11 June and “ON-Live Spotlight Episode 2” on 18 June featuring Maryll Dame Delposo (BA Communication and Media Arts) and her 2D Digital Art Exhibit, “Beyond the Closet: Artistic Representations of Coming Out Stories.” 

“On-Live Talks” 2nd Season, the ongoing online TV program under the Department of Humanities, continued in July with “The Truth Behind Fad Diets" on July 9, and "Chalk Talk: How Teachers and Parents Navigate in the New Normal" on July 30. This Academic Program Improvement project provides training for BA Communication and Media Arts students.  

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On-Live Talks ,” the ongoing online television program under the Academic Program Improvement of the Dept. of Humanities, had the following episodes in August: 

  • “Hugyaw Dabaw: Exploring Kadayawan Stories over the Years," August 13, celebrating the Davao Region’s Kadayawan Cultural Festival

  • “On-Live Talks Spotlight,” August 6, with recent sports science graduate Mimi Rodriguez

  • “Spicy Talks Confession,” student-led segment, August 5 

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UP Mindanao was selected to host the online Mindanao leg of the Pinoy Media Congress (PMC) Digital Caravan on 19 March 2022. The PMC was organized by the ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation and the Philippine Association of Communication Educators (PACE). UP Mindanao Chancellor Lyre Anni Murao gave a welcome message to the organizers and the students from the 32 participating Mindanao schools. The resource speakers were Journalist Jaque Manabat, TV producer EJ Mallari, and ABS-CBN international distribution head Pia Bacungan-Laurel served as the resource speakers. UP Mindanao’s BA Communication and Media Arts students participated as delegates and emcees and participants in the open forum. Assoc. Prof. Cayamanda (Humanities), a PACE trustee, and Instructor Dizon (Humanities) served as coordinator and faculty-in-charge, respectively, of the Mindanao leg. 

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" Sinews of Syllables ,”the annual thesis show of the graduating BA English (Creative Writing) students was held on 24 May 2022, online on Facebook Live at the UP Literary Society page. “Echoes of a Requiem,” the title of the 2022 presentations, re-interprets the portions of the literary texts into other art forms. The shows may be viewed here:

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The Philippine Association of Food Technologists, Inc. Lambda (PAFT-Lambda) Chapter organized “ THESIS IT !” a webinar series in April-May presenting the various undergraduate research of the Department of Food Science and Chemistry (DFSC). 

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Applied Mathematics (AMAT) 199 Research Colloquium was held via Zoom and Facebook Live on 23 May 2022, where AMAT 199 students presented their undergraduate thesis. The colloquium showcased what Applied Mathematics can do to help manage infectious diseases, pollution, and understand market behavior, to name a few. [Image: ]

Incoming senior BS Anthropology students took their prescribed Field School in July 2022 in Barangay New Murcia, Matanao Municipality, Davao del Sur Province under Asst. Prof. Thea Tandog. Students observed the community’s perspectives on farming, COVID-19, recovery from the 2019 earthquakes, investment schemes, early motherhood, solo parenting, and women's organizations. 

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The Communicators Guild of the BA Communication and Media Arts students celebrated the April 9 Araw ng Kagitingan through the online quiz contest “ Let’s Get Quizzical: Kaalaman. Kasaysayan. Kagitingan .” 

BA Communication and Media Arts student Ed Priete won First Prize for his short film, “Kolor [a make-up tutorial]” in the Lilas sa Onse: A Short Film Festival organized by the DSWD and Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) on 13 May 2022. [Image: ]

Student Regent Renee Louise Co visited the campus on 17 May 2022 to conduct a consultation with students. Regent Co also met with university officials the following day. The University Student Council (USC) held “Gabay sa Piniliay: Sa 2022 May Elections, May Informed Votes Kita!” publicity series in April - May on the USC social media page. Chancellor Lyre Murao contributed a video message for the project. 

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School supplies and sports equipment donated by the UP Mindanao Ladies Football Varsity Team (UPLFVT) and Pitik UP Mindanao from February- May were delivered to Surigao del Norte National High School (SNNHS) Grade 7 to 12 students upon the opening of classes on August 22, 2022. The UPLFVT initiated the donation drive in February to help students after Typhoon Odette, after which the Volleyball Varsity Team “Pitik UP Mindanao” followed suit.

“Pag-ila Kauban ang Dance Ensemble: Recognizing and Appreciating the Legacy of Human Kinetics” an acquaintance session, August 6, 2022. The final Pag-Ila for 2022 with the UP Mindanao Dance Ensemble was led by alumni Jealmer Phoenix Delgado, Ira Sisa Aparra, and resident member Joan Audrey Alcantara. Pag-ila is DHK’s way of gathering members of the different teams under Human Kinetics to reinvigorate them in preparation for face-to-face activities. Co-organized by Department of Human Kinetics, Teaching Staff: Jezreel Abarca; Non-teaching Staff: Neil Philip Ebate, Ged Xavier Fruto, Charmaine Dimalanta, Organizers, via Zoom, 6-Aug-22

The Office of Student Affairs held the Virtual Career Ventures for graduating students with the theme: "Preparing for a Digital Ready Workforce in the New Normal." On 12 May was the "Marketing Me Live" webinar and on 20 May was the "Virtual Career Fair." The events were organized by the OSA Counseling and Testing Section in collaboration with the University Student Council, and the, Inc. 

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On 23 May 2022, the University held its annual Student Recognition Ceremony , online, for over 600 University and College Scholars. Chancellor Lyre Anni Murao, in her welcome remarks, said, “May your hard work, dedication, and tenacity also inspire your fellow UP Mindanao students to carry on.” Asst. Prof. Kriza Faye A. Calumba, BS Food Technology 2014 magna cum laude and event inspirational speaker, asked the students to “use critical thinking for national development,” and to “always stay empowered, so you can empower others.” View the livestream here: [Images: ]

The Ugnayan ng Pahinungod Mindanao opened the Ledivina V. Carino Seminar Series Second Season with the webinar "Finding Your Sweet Spot after College" on 19 May 2022 to help prepare graduating students to become professionals. Ms. Ma. Cecilia C. Eugenio served as the resource  person. The webinar may be viewed here:

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The Ugnayan ng Pahinungod’s Ledivina V. Cariño Webinar Series for graduating students on July 2, 2022, was "Serving before Joining the Rat Race - What the Gurong Pahinungód Program Taught Me about the World after University." Atty. Ralph James Laman shared his experiences as a Gurong Pahinungod volunteer deployed to Maguindanao Province in 2005. 

Afirmative Action & Academic Enhancement 

Academic Enhancement Program, Butuan City School of Arts and Trades, Butuan City, Agusan del Norte, August 10-13, 2022, 50 SHS participants, co-organized by UP Mindanao - Office of the Extension and Community Services (OECS), Ugnayan ng Pahinungod, Department of Human Kinetics. Teaching Staff: Erwin Protacio, Jezreel Abarca, Nikkailah Mana-ay, Cherry Ann Camia; Non-teaching Staff: Austin Von Divinagracia, Neil Philip Ebate, Karla Marxielle Gulanes, Sophia Bersamin, co-organizers

The UP Mindanao Ugnayan ng Pahinungod, the Office of Extension and Community Service (OECS), and the Department of Human Kinetics delivered an Affirmative Action/ Academic Enhancement Program in Butuan City on August 11-12, 2022, in partnership with the local Department of Education, Butuan City School of Arts and Trades, Agusan National High School, and UPAA Surigao del Norte president Cyril Abonita. As a result, local students received academic tutorials and briefings on UPMin’s human kinetics programs.

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The OECS delivered Session 8 of their ongoing English Tutorials for Marilog District (Davao City) on August 13, 2022, in partnership with Davao City’s Indigenous Peoples Mandatory Representative, Datu Rody Mande. 

[ suggested caption: University Researcher Marilou Montiflor leads English Tutorials in Marilog District on August 13, 2022.]

Instruction for 1st Semester Academic Year 2022-2023

The University Registrar opened the appeals period for waitlisted applicants on August 12-15, 2022, for all courses. The appeals period was further extended to August 29 for courses with available slots.   

The Office of the University Registrar and the Information Committee initiated advisories for incoming first-year students in July. These covered processes, key dates, academic documentation requirements, dormitory, medical, and counseling services.

The Interactive Learning Center/ Learning Resource Center opened the Student Bridge Program (SBP) 2022  for the incoming first-year students on July 29 to run until August 26, 2022. The ILC/LRC invited interested students to register online.

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The appeals period for first-year applicants was extended to 21 September and further to 23 September 2022. Registrar Prof. Karen Cayamanda reported that the first-year enrollment increased from 240 on September 2, 2022 to 259 by September 26, 2022.

Alongside the ILC/LRC’s ongoing Student Bridging Program, the following academic units delivered bridge programs: 

Department of Biological Science and Environmental Studies’ Bridging Program for upperclass students from August 24 to September 3, 2022, to provide "hands-on" experience of "must" skills following four semesters of remote learning. 

The School of Management’s Master in Management (MM) Bridge Program online on August 26-27, 2022 for 21 incoming students. The bridge program is a requirement for enrollment to the MM program of SOM. [ ]

UP Mindanao will adopt Blended Learning in Academic Year 2022-2023, in line with OVPAA Memorandum No. 2022-88. Advisories were produced and disseminated through online and media channels.  

Chancellor Murao issued a memo on September 2, 2022, the last workday before start of classes, containing updated COVID-19 health protocols and guidelines for campus opening, specifically, for the hybrid-flexible Learning Delivery Modes of blended learning, and face-to-face classes and activities. This was reinforced through a UP Min Town Hall Orientation on the same day led by student affairs director Ma. Stella Salazar.

Earlier, the OVCA reiterated the need for compliance with the UP Min Daily Health Check Scorecard for all persons entering campus buildings. 

UPMin welcomed its first-year students for AY 2022-2023 through a face-to-face University Convocation for First-Year Students on September 5, 2022, at the Administration Building Atrium.

Atty. Janis Louis Esparcia, an alumna and current Davao City assistant city administrator, shared reflections from her university experience as the guest speaker.

“Days past lives present” a photo exhibit by Instructor Samuelle Sanchez portraying campus life in pre-COVID-19 days, opened on convocation day.

Registrar Cayamanda introduced the First-Year students by geographical area of origin during the university convocation as follows:


First-Year Students by Geographical Origin as of 05 September 2022



Cent Luzon






East Visayas


West Visayas


Zamboanga Pen




North Mindanao











[source document, for internal reference only: ]

First Year Students as of Sept. 26, 2022









































or SVG:

Undergraduates as of Sept. 26, 2022 



AA Sports Studies



B Sports Science


































Graduate Enrollment as of September 26, 2022

Male Female

Diploma in Exercise & Sports Science 11 4

Diploma in Urban & Regional Planning 13 14

Master in Management 13 28

MS Food Science 7 13

MA Urban & Regional Planning 10 11

PhD by Research 1 0



The Department of Social Sciences led the UPMin Day of Remembrance through the "Fifty  Years of Martial Law in the Philippines: Perspectives from Mindanao" on September 27-28, 2022, a two-day forum and film screening for students. Chancellor Murao declared the forum as an alternative clasroom learning experience.

The Mindanawon resistance narratives and the Darangen epic were identified as the pre-colonial roots of Philippine nationalism in the “ Tribute to the GomBurZa’s Martyrdom and Role in Shaping the Narratives of Nation-Building ," organized by the Department of Social Sciences on November 10, 2022. The resource speaker was Senior Lecturer Lu Abreu, who teaches Kasaysayan ng Pilipinas and Mindanao Studies at UPMin.

The Architecture, Anthropology, and Communication and Media Arts programs collaborated on the “ Kalimudan: Learning the Art of Planning and Architecture from the Vernacular Dwellings of Mindanao ” video presentation that was launched on November 23, 2022. The National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA)-funded project aims to bring Mindanao Art and Cultural studies closer to the younger generation and fill the gaps in the blended learning materials and methods through digital storytelling.

UPCA 2023

The Ugnayan ng Pahinungód UP Mindanao organized an online UPCA Online Orientation on October 8, 2022 to promote the UP College Admission to Senior High School graduates and students, School Principals, and Senior High School Coordinators.  Office of Admissions Director Prof. Francisco N. del los Reyes and UP Mindanao University Registrar Karen Joyce Cayamanda served as resource persons.

UP Mindanao announced the extension of UPCA 2023 applications until 22 October 2022 on its social media and web pages. 

Student Services 1st Semester AY 2022-2023

The Gender and Development office launched its Legal Knowledge Webinar Series with the Webinar on the Magna Carta of Women on September 15, 2022 for university constituents.  Atty. Jennidy S. Tambor of the Commission on Human Rights served as resource speaker.

The Office of Student Affairs crafted a welfare program for students covering food, transportation, and accomodation, named Plate UP, Move UP, and Live UP.  

Jaycee ASEAN Senator Gene Tan of Singapore gave a donation for student welfare during an informal campus visit with UP Mindanao Foundation chairperson Sebastian Angliongto on September 30, 2022. Mr. Tan explained that he had been deprived of continuous tertiary education and had spent seven years of night classes to catch up. [ ]

The University Library issued announcements for its newly enhanced spaces and learning commons available for students, faculty, and staff, namely, the Customer Service, Cafe Libro, the Internet Center and the Multi-Media Mini-Theater/LEMITO.

On October 1, 2022, the UP Mindanao Student Electoral Board (USEB) posted the list of students who were elected in the #Piniliay2022 student council elections held on September 26-27, 2022. The elections filled up seats in the University Student Council (USC), and the College Councils of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS SC), the College of Science and Mathematics (CSM SC), and the  School of Management (SOM SC).

Members of the University Student Council and the College Councils took their Oath of Office on October 21, 2022, as administered by Chancellor Murao and deans Raymundo Pavo and Aurelia Luzviminda Gomez. Fauzhea Alexandra Guiani (BS Food Technology) and Raphael John Dimalanta (BA Communication and Media Arts) lead the USC as Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, respectively. Chancellor Murao reiterated her administration’s support for student's welfare and academic concerns.

After being suspended for two years due to the pandemic, the student-led Torch Night and Iskoka were revived on October 12-13, 2022. On Torch Night, continuing students bring light to social issues for new students. The BS Architecture students’ torch and the BS Agribusiness Economics’ group performance won Torch night 2022.

Iskoka is the students’ showcase for wit and aesthetics in the service of sectoral representation. BS Food Technology students were crowned the Ultimate Isko and Iska 2022.

Chancellor Murao approved both Torch Night and Iskoka as Alternative Learning Experiences for students to learn outside the classroom.

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Research and Creative Work

UP Mindanao's DOST-supported flagship research programs were presented in the launch event for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (FIRe) in Davao Region on 12 January 2022. The event was hosted by the Commission on Higher Education-Region XI and featured leaders of the Regional Development Council-XI. The video, which earned 6,500 views, may be viewed here:

DOST-XI Director Anthony Sales introduced the following UP Mindanao programs to the FIRe assembly, along with other DOST projects: 

  • The proposed Knowledge Innovation Science & Technology (KIST) Park on the UP Mindanao campus and its linkage with Japan’s Kitakyushu Science and Research Park, beginning with food systems, biotechnology, ICT, artificial intelligence, and genomics, as initial offerings; 

  • the Autonomous Socially Inspired Mission Oriented Vehicles (ASIMOV) program that aims to develop AI-enhanced robots to help address society's needs; 

  • the Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (AIR) laboratory that focuses on AI applications to address a wide array of environmental problems; 

  • the Data Analytics Application for the Coffee Supply Chain using Blockchain for transparent tracking and traceability of agricultural products to improve supply chain management; 

  • the Center for Applied Modeling, Data Analytics, and Bioinformatics for Decision Support Systems in Health (AMDABIDSS-Health) that makes use of quantitative data science for infectious disease diagnostics and surveillance for public health governance;  

  • the Applied Biodiversity Research for Holistic Advancements in Mindanao (ABRAHAM) which is creating an efficient data repository for the continuous search of new species, starting with marine life.

The Center for the Advancement of Research in Mindanao ( CARIM ) held the twin online event "Towards Creating Impacts: UP Mindanao-Funded Researches" and "Launching of AI and Robotics R&D Flagship Programs of UP Mindanao" on 23 February 2022. 

Asst. Prof. Leo Manuel Estaña (Department of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science) presented his research, “Yellow Saddle Goatfish Algorithm - Optimized Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem,” an optimization model of cooperation behavior observed in a fish species.

Prof. Jose Ildefonso Rubrico (also of the DMPCS) led the launch of the two flagship programs on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics, as program leader.  Prof. Rubrico delivered a talk/lecture, “Empowering the Filipino Nation: Flagship R&D Programs for AI and Robotics Innovation and Capability-Building at the Grassroots.” He emphasized the relevance and potential of developing these emerging technologies and their multitude of applications in the day-to-day lives of Filipinos. The programs’ work areas and laboratories will be located at the new Center for the Advancement of Research in Mindanao (CARIM) Building in the UP Mindanao campus.

The ASIMOV program and HAWKS project announced the acceptance of a donation from Davao UAS Photography of a thermal camera in a ceremony held back on 15 December 2021. The imaging device will be used by the HAWKS project for the development of subsystems for life-saving applications, such as those for search-and-rescue missions in the aftermath of disasters.

The Autonomous Societally Inspired Mission Oriented Vehicles (ASIMOV) Program successfully conducted its first Program-wide Congress on 13 June 2022. The Congress aims to strengthen the partnership with the agri-banana and education stakeholders including the Biao Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Cooperative (BARBCO), Diamond Individual Farmers Cooperative (DIFCO), and the Provincial Agriculturist’s Office-Davao del Norte (PAGRO), Philippine Science High School System (PSHS) Southern Mindanao Campus and Zamboanga Peninsula Region Campus. [Image: ASIMOV Congress.jpg ]

Prof. Rubrico, as Program Leader, spearheaded the Congress. Prof. Gamot and Prof. Rubrico organized the SkAI-Pinas Program Congress on 14 June 2022. The PCIEERD team came for a site visit and post-assessment meeting with the ASIMOV-HAWKS/SkAI-ALaM program on 16 June.

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The DOH’s Regional Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit head in the Davao region Dr. Pasion told news agencies of their collaborative plans with UP Mindanao’s Philippine Genome Center for Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) beginning in February. PGC Mindanao program director Prof. Lyre Murao confirmed the news reports, stating that PGC Mindanao's biosurveillance program is under the Philippine Genome Center’s COVID-19 national biosurveillance efforts. PGC Mindanao is presently undertaking the procurement of equipment for biosurveillance.

The Philippine Genome Center (PGC) Mindanao completed its preparations for undertaking whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of SARS-CoV-2 for the biosurveillance of COVID-19 variants within the region with the arrival of the required equipment in February 2022. A series of trainings were conducted for the staff after the installation of the equipment. 

In preparation for the biosurveillance, a trial WGS run was conducted from 21-25 February using extracted SARS-CoV-2 RNA samples from the Southern Philippines Medical Center.

lllumina NextSeq 1000

Illumina iSeq 100 Sequencing machine

Applied Biosystems SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer

Arrival of extracted SARS-CoV-2 RNA samples 

The Department of Health (DOH), the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), and the UP Philippine Genome Center (PGC) held the Ceremonial Launch for the SARS-COV-2 Genomics Biosurveillance Services in PGC Visayas and PGC Mindanao on 11 March 2022 with the theme, "Drawing on Collective Strengths for Pandemic Preparedness." Davao de Oro Provincial Governor Jayvee Tyron Uy, in his message, related the partnership between his province and UP Mindanao and advised fellow local government officials to seek out similar relationships with the academe. The PGC’s video presentation showed former UP Mindanao chancellor, Prof. Larry Digal, testing the new biosurveillance equipment. 

DOH Secretary Francisco Duque III,  and thanked the PGC for the enhanced capacity to improve biosurveillance nationwide through Whole Genome Sequencing. DOST Secretary Fortunato de la Pena described the WGS’s contribution to the country’s health care system, and UP President Danilo Concepcion welcomed the government-academe partnership to address the country’s pressing issues. 


[image/Davaode Oro COVID-19 Lab:  

[Davao de Oro gov. Jayvee Tyron Uy: ]

The PGC Mindanao conducted the ONE Health Omics Bioinformatics Face-to-Face Workshop on 22-24 and 29-31 March 2022. The participants were from the University of the Immaculate Conception, Mindanao State U. – Naawan,  Mindanao State U. – General Santos, Caraga State U., Davao de Oro Provincial Hospital, SRM Institute of Science and Technology (India), U. of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines, the Regional Health Research and Development Consortium XI, and UP Mindanao. The Bioinformatics workshop is the third major activity of the project funded by DOST Newton Agham, in partnership with the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. [ ]

Bioinformatics Lecture Series 2022

The Philippine Genome Center Mindanao organized the “ Bioinformatics Lecture Series 2022 ” featuring the following topics and their speakers 

  • “Bioethics, Genomics, and Bioinformatics: three Intertwined Paths,”  by Victor Flores Lopez, Ph.D., Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, England, November 7, 2022 

  • “Terra, Zoom, and Public Notion Pages: Virtual Resources for Global Public Health Bioinformatics Workforce Development,” by Kevin Libuit, Chief Technology Officer, Theiagen Genomics, November 14, 2022

  • “The Evolution of Public Health Pathogen Genomics," by Frank Ambrosio, Bioinformatics Scientist, Theiagen Genomics, USA, November 21, 2022

  • Bioinformatics in Applied Microbiology: the Last Remaining Barrier," by Dr. Sam Chorlton, CEO, Bugseq, November 28, 2022

A total of 312 viewers via Facebook and 698 zoom participants attended the lecture series. The bioinformatics algorithms made it possible to assemble the genome sequence of the coronavirus which helped scientists develop diagnostic test kits and vaccines.

On 28 May 2022, DOST Undersecretary for R&D Rowena Cristina Guevara visited UP Mindanao’s DOST-supported NICER and Collaborative Research and Development to Leverage Philippine Economy (CRADLE) projects. The CRADLE project is the "Fermentation and Purification Research to Produce Food-grade, Pharmaceutical-grade, and Polymer-grade Lactic Acid," which was implemented in partnership with Monde Nissin Corp. 

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The Technology Transfer and Business Development Office (TTBDO) and the UP Growing and Developing Enterprises (UPGRADE), its technology-business incubator, likewise, gave a briefing and a tour of its UPGRADE Innolab, a shared facility for its business start-ups. [Image: ]

AMDABiDSS-Health, the NICER-supported program, and its project personnel gave USec. Guevara briefings on the DOST-supported projects. In the first of its 2-3 years project life, AMDABiDSS-Health established partnerships with LGUs, HEIs, NGAs, and other institutions. Its products under development are the risk and hotspot maps, a vulnerability scoring index tool, a validation of a LAMP assay for CoronaVirus detection, a molecular community tracker, and an interdisciplinary journal. Policy recommendations and technical services were delivered to partners. Communities were served through online information and COVID-19 reports and maps. Students and professionals from Regions IX, X, and XI were trained. Papers were published or presented in conferences. Patent applications have been initiated. 

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[IWAS wastewater surveillance: ]

[VATAS zoonosis vulnerability: ]

[PPASTOL infectious disease projection: ]

[PGC Mindanao laboratory: ]

[New sterilized laboratory: ]

The Philippine Genome Center Mindanao celebrated its 3rd Anniversary with a special offering of the " Mindanao-wide Omics Webinar " in October 27-28, 2022. 

 The plenary speakers gave talks about Omics in Mindanao on the theme, "Challenges and Opportunities During the Pandemic." Davao de Oro Province Vice-Governor Jayvee Tyron Uy, in particular, narrated Davao de Oro's partnership experience with UP Mindanao in creating a COVID-19 laboratory and the training of personnel during the height of the pandemic. 

The opening ceremony of the webinar was attended by UP Mindanao Chancellor and former PGC Mindanao director and now a technical expert under the Research and Development Division of PGC Mindanao, Dr. Lyre Anni E. Murao who gave opening remarks. Present also were the Vice President for Academic Affairs of the UP System, Dr. Maria Cynthia Rose B. Bautista and the Executive Director of the Philippine Genome Center (PGC), Dr. Cynthia P. Saloma who gave their special messages during the program. Dr. Joel Hassan G. Tolentino, the current program director of PGC Mindanao was also present to grace the opening ceremonies of the webinar series.

A total of 976 viewers via Facebook and 460 zoom participants have attended the webinar which comprised members of the academe, organizations, industries, and government agencies.

Link to photos:

In the Center for Applied Modeling, Data Analytics, and Bioinformatics for Decision-Support Systems in Health (AMDABIDSS-Health), the teams discussed COVID-19 decision support systems with DOH Region XI and XII and LGUs, and accepted interns from Far Eastern University. The urban wastewater research team processed, stiored, and tested samples from various sites for SARS-CoV-2.

AMDABIDSS-Health held the AMDABIDSS Media Launch on 29 March 2022 with the theme, "Research to Impacts: Bridging gaps between science and public policy amidst COVID-19 pandemic." The program’s four research projects were introduced for publicity efforts by the Philippine Integrated Advertising Agency (PIAA) through the initiative of Malayan Colleges Mindanao, a program collaborator. 

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AMDABiDDS-Health VATAS Team organized a Policy Brief Writeshop at CSM Rm 227, UP Mindanao on 18 August 2022.

Prof. May Anne Mata of UPMin’s AMDABiDSS-Health research program, and collaborator Assoc. Prof. Gernelyn Logrosa of Mapua Malayan Colleges Mindanao presented “DiWa,” or Disease Watch, a web-based decision-support system product, at the 8th Mindanao Policy Research Forum on September 28, 2022, in celebration of the Development Policy Research Month with the theme, “#CloseTheGap: Accelerate Post-Pandemic Recovery In Mindanao Through Social Justice.”

AMDABIDSS-Health research program

AMDABIDSS-Health, UPMin’s Niche Center in the Regions for R&D, researchers presented papers in the 16th Annual Convention of the Mathematical Society of the Philippines (MSP) Regions 10, 12, and BARMM, at Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology, October 27-28, 2022:

  • Ms. Deza A. Amistas - "Analysis of the Control Measures Used on COVID-19 in Davao City Using Optimal Control"

  • Mr. Loreniel E. Añonuevo - "New Normal: Threshold of and forecasting COVID-19 cases in the Selected Regions of Mindanao, Philippines"

  • Ms. Hannah Faye C. Culaste - "A Decision Support System for the Optimal Allocation and Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccines in the Philippines using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Integer Programming (IP) models"

  • Mr. Jayve Iay E. Lato - "The Landscape of Dengue Modeling and Modeling Insights in Mindanao Island, Philippines: A Scoping Review"

AMDABiDSS-Health led by Project Leaders, Dr. May Anne E. Mata and Dr. Gernelyn T. Logrosa travelled to invite partners to the second wave of DiWA: Disease Watch and Analytics User's Training and prospective collaboration 

  • Site Visit to BARMM, October 4, 2022. 

    • Ministry of Health - BARMM 

    • Ministry of Science and Technology - BARMM 

  • Site Visit to Region XII (SOCCSKSARGEN) October 3-5, 2022.

    • Regional Director of DOST XII - Cotabato, Dir. Sammy P. Malawan

    • DOH - Center for Health Development Region XII.

PPASTOL research project 

  • Consultation meeting with PGC Mindanao on October 24, 2022, to discuss accessibility of Mindanao genomic data and the potential research collaboration 

  • Workshop on Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis at Koronadal City, South Cotabato. 18 - 21 October 2022, for Department of Health - Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN personnel, October 18 - 21, 2022.

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The Center of the Advancement of Research in Mindanao (CARIM) gave the " Policy Brief Writing Workshop " on 22-24 March 2022 to 30-plus UPMin researchers with Dr. Lily Ann Lando as resource expert. [image: ]

AGDelima, CSCSilvosa-Millado and other faculty members attended the workshop on Book Development (Flora and Fauna of UP Mindanao) organized by the Office of Research at CHSS AVR (f2f) last 27 July.

The Office of Research and the Public Relations Office conducted a training and  workshop series titled “Social media as a research dissemination tool: Establishing a social media presence for research projects/colleges” at the CHSS Mini Theater. Ms. Ana Patrice “Cheekie” Albay, a writer, social media strategist, and communications professional based in Davao City, is the resource person.

The Department of Biological Science and Environmental Studies (DBSES) delivered the DBSES Special Lecture Series: Lecture #1 "Data- and Values-Driven Approach to Food System Transformation" via Zoom on 25 March 2022. NAST Academician and UP Mindanao Professor Emeritus Eufemio T. Rasco Jr. described how consumers and farmers suffer due to a  dysfunctional food system and how responsible consumption is the key to food system transformation.


The Department of Biological Sciences and Environmental Studies (DBSES) held Lecture 3 of its DBSES Lecture Series  (via Zoom) on 20 May 2022. DBSES Senior Lecturer Dr. Jayson Ibanez discussed “Sustainability of local resources through culture-based approaches: The Philippine Eagle Conservation Program experience.” As Director of Research & Conservation of the Philippine Eagle Foundation (PEF), Dr. Ibanez shared PEF’s brand of culture-based conservation of integrating science and indigenous ecological knowledge in natural resource management. The webinar may be viewed here:

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As a 27th Anniversary offering, the Department of Biological Sciences and Environmental Studies (DBSES) organized its DBSES Special Lecture Series in April with the theme, “Our Planetary Health: Science-based Transformations, Resource Potentials, and Sustainable Strategies.” Asst. Prof. Junaldo A. Mantiquilla presented “Nipa Palm: Potentials and Genetic Story” on 29 April 2022. Asst. Prof. Donna May Papa of the University of Santo Tomas contributed a lecture on “Phage Wars” on 20 April 2022.  

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The Department of Biological Sciences and Environmental Studies (DBSES) delivered the DBSES 3rd Feature Lecture, “How to communicate scientific data through the ISAAA way,” on July 13, 2022. Dr. Rhodora Aldemita, director of the International Service for the Acquisition of Agribiotech Applications (ISAAA), Southeast Asia Center, was the resource person.

The DOST-PCHRD held a project site visit at UP Mindanao on July 8, 2022. The visit was attended by three PCHRD staff and eleven personnel from the RabCast project.

Activities concluded are the following:

- Introduction of the RabCast team personnel to the attending PCHRD staff

- Presentation of the quarterly progress and updates of each study objective: genomic analysis, mathematical modelling, statistical and spatial analysis

- Laboratory tour to present the lab facilities and equipment tagging 

- RabCast Dashboard presentation and hands-on testing

Marine Biodiversity Database

Asst. Prof. Leo Estaña led UPMin’s Marine Biodiversity Database (MaBiDa) and FishDive project exhibits at the National Science & Technology Week at the World Trade Center, Pasay City, in November. The exhibits featured samples of 3D-printed fish for the Fish Museum, the MaBiDa Information System, and posters and videos of the two projects. MaBiDa and FishDive are component research projects of the Applied Biodiversity Research for Holistic Advancements in Mindanao (ABRAHAM) program.

The BA Communication and Media Arts program delivered the second “[Under] Currents: Series of Virtual Academic Lectures on Contemporary Communication and Media Matters” on March 26, 2022 with the theme, “Reflections on COVID-19 Communication.” Prof. Pavo (Social Sciences) spoke  on “Camus’ `The Plague’and COVID-19” and Asst. Prof. Glova (Humanities) on “To Whom and How to Speak of Risk During a Pandemic?” [image/Prof. Pavo: ]

[Prof. Glova: ]  

The webinar " Ang Among Lamisa Samtang Ga Pandemya " on 29 March 2022  showed stories of women (a diversified farmer, a prostituted woman, and a fisherwoman) and men (an Obu-Manuvu indigenous farmer, an urban gardener) providing food for their families in the time of the pandemic. The Department of Social Sciences, the Dept. of Biological Science and Environmental Studies, and the School of Management collaborated for the realization of this research that was presented as a video documentary. 

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UP Mindanao’s John Dillon Fellows —Asst. Prof. Shuck and Asst. Prof. Aguinaldo (SOM), Assoc. Prof. Kobayashi (DMPCS), and researchers Lacap, Lopez, and Secretaria—delivered the following training activities in April for their target beneficiaries:

  • “Mango Description, Canopy Management” on 4 April, 2022, with 22 participants

  • “Insecticide Resistance Management for Mango,” on 5 April, 25 participants 

  • “Soil Sampling and Analysis, Nutrient Management,” on 11 April, 23 participants 

  • “Paclobutrazol Application, Flush Management” on 12 April, 21 participants

  • “Insecticide Resistance Management for Mango,” continued on 26 April, 40 participants

UPMin’s John Dillon Fellowship scholars and their colleagues provided a Season-long Training on Good Agricultural Practices for farmers of the Samal Island Mango Farmers Marketing Cooperative. A graduation ceremony culminated the training held from March 24 to July 17 funded by the Australian government. Asst. Prof. Vlademir Shuck said the training can help mango growers compete in the international and local markets.

Professors Emma Ruth Bayogan and Jose Ildefonso Rubrico presented their research reports at the 7th National Research & Development Conference. Prof. Bayogan discussed UP Mindanao’s PULL extension program in six selected conflict-vulnerable Mindanao villages which improved the resident farmers’ incomes. [ ]

Prof. Rubrico gave updates from his two Artificial Intelligence research programs. The SkAI-Pinas program has labeled almost two million archived aerial images towards making these available for Filipinos’ use, while the ASIMOV program has entered into agreements with agricultural entities to make precision agriculture possible from core technologies being developed for autonomous devices to navigate and gather data on land and air. [

New Research with Approved Funding 

  • Public Health for Genomic Epidemiology (PHA4GE) Sub-grant with theme (Implementation of standardized bioinformatics practices, pipelines, and data structures in SARS-CoV-2). Orientation held last 16 May.

  • DOST-RHRDCXI- Technical Review Board Approved for funding. “Leafy Inquisition: Microbial Population in Organic (LIMPIO) Lettuce from Marilog Farms to Distribution Points in Davao City”. ℅ Prof. AEDeCadiz.

  • AEDeCadiz attended the Fieldwork at Esperanza, Agusan del Sur with UP Diliman for the projects (1) Development of Novel Detection Tools for the Integrated Surveillance and Monitoring of Helminthic Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) of Mutual Public Health Importance in the Philippines and China”. - DOST MOST funded and (2) An Integrative Diagnostic Approach in detecting human and animal schistosomiasis in situations of varying levels of prevalence in the Philippines”, WHO-TDR funded.

ERV Bayogan was appointed Project Leader of Fruits and Vegetables for Sustainable and Healthy Diets (FRESH), Year 1, with funding from CGIAR (Consultative Group of International Agricultural Centers.

AE DeCadiz [?] Fieldwork activities in Davao City and Island Garden of Samal for the project: Population genomics structure of mosquito, Aedes aegypti in Mindanao, Philippines: Implications for Mosquito Suppression Strategy funded thru the 2021 Southeast Asia and South Asia Taiwan Universities Joint Research Scheme (SATU-JRS) Research. August 29-Sept. 1.

UP Mindanao faculty members won research grants from the 2022 Australian Award Philippines. Professors Glory Dee Romo and Jon Marx Sarmiento (School of Management) will study the impact of the pandemic on the management of resources in a Maguindanao community. Prof. Isidoro Malaque III (Dept. of Architecture) will use the Placemaking approach for post-pandemic recovery in communities, and Senior Lecturer Jayson Ibañez (Dept. of Biological Science and Environmental Studies) will build a stakeholder coalition with indigenous peoples for human and biodiversity wellbeing within the Mt. Apo and the Pantaron range.

  • Roxanne T. Aguinaldo, “Willingness to Adopt Pre-and Post-Harvest Technologies: The Case of Island Garden City of Samal” 

  • Melissa P. Loquias, “Analysis of factors affecting the performance of small-scale farm enterprises in BARMM: Input to effective and innovative solutions 

  • Rodgessa A. Lopez, “A Qualitative analysis on sustainable livelihoods among women in fishing households in Davao Gulf, Philippines: Impacts of COVID-19 and opportunities in the new normal” 

  • Kim Dianne B. Ligue, “Spatiotemporal Patterns and Risk Factors of the 2020-2021 African Swine Fever Epidemic in Region XI, Southern Philippines” 

Technology Transfer, Business Development, and Startups

Chancellor Murao led AMDABIDSS-Health’s launch of their Disease Watch and Analytics (DiWa) application users' training on November 25, 2022 in the Sustainable Development Goals Research Symposium held Mapua Malayan Colleges Mindanao. DiWa is an online planning tool and integrative platform to aid decision-makers in creating guidelines for disease prevention and control in Mindanao.

The Davao City Veterinarian’s Office (CVO) has begun to use RabCast, an electronic dashboard developed from the research project, “Forecasting Tool for Rabies Spread in Davao City Through Combined Genomic and Mathematical Approaches,” led by Prof. May Anne Mata and funded by the DOST-PCHRD. The dashboard features include data collection, display, editing, importing (for offline use), and exporting (for reporting) for the CVO’s use.

Project Leader: Prof. May Anne E. Mata, Ph.D.

Funding Agency: DOST-PCHRD

RabCast Dashboard Launching & Testing by Davao CVO

AMDABiDSS-Health’s VATAS Project Leader, Mr. Von Carlo Dela Torre, presented their biodiversity research efforts for the protection of Mts. Makabol-Alikoson to Davao City's annual Watershed Summit, November 18, 2022,  along with participating stakeholders from CSOs, academe, government agencies, and collaborating partners for the protection of watersheds. The Summit Resolution, "A Resolution Urging The Watershed Management Council (WMC) To Support The Declaration Of Mount Makabol-Alikoson Conservation Area As A Critical Habitat For The Philippine Eagle And Other Endangered Species And Endorse The Same To The City Council And The Department Of Environment And Natural Resources Office -XI For Appropriate Action," was adopted.

In the business startup sector and community, UP Mindanao convened the “Innovation and Development Accelerators Consortium for Startups in Region XI” (IDEAS-Region XI). The group convened the “ Region XI Startup Community Dialogue ” on 14 January 2022 with the objective of providing an avenue to discuss issues and solve challenges in the Davao Region's startup ecosystem. Among the institutional partners who attended to give messages of support were UP Mindanao Chancellor Larry Digal, DOST Regional Director Anthony Sales, DTI Regional Director Belenda Ambi, DICT-Mindanao Alimbzar Asum, and USAID STRIDE's Adie Cacho. UP Mindanao's Asst. Prof. Miguel Carlo Guillermo, UP Min’s UPGrADE (UP Growing and Developing Enterprises) manager, gave an overview of Davao's startup environment and the plan to update the startup ecosystem map. He echoed a viewer's remark that Davao Region could be like a Silicon Valley in the future, considering the skill and talent pool that is available. Community members and leaders attended and participated in the discussion.

The Technology Transfer & Business Development Office led UP Mindanao’s participation in the “S&T Creations for the People: DOST-PCAARRD SUSTAIN IP-TBM* Technology Pitch Day” on 31 May 2022 for the consortia member-agencies. UPMin’s team of intellectual property creators pitched the “ Alugbati noodles fortified with Vitamin A+ ” for a target market of young children, women of reproductive age, and the elderly, in the category of Government Agencies Focusing on Nutrition & Health Programs.  

*Support to the University’s Strategies in Technology Acceleration Initiatives by Nurturing the Intellectual Property and Technology Business Management.

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The DOST and UPMin's UP Growing and Developing Enterprises (UPGRADE) co-organized the nationwide HEI (Higher Education Institution) Readiness for Innovation and Technopreneurship (HEIRIT) 2.0 Kick-off on 23 June 2022 in Davao City, for the second batch of HEIs and their proposed technology business incubators (TBI). A highlight of the Kick-off was the signing of a memorandum of understanding to deliver the capability-building training for the proposed TBIs. Prof. Nestor Nisperos of De La Salle University's Animo Labs, Chancellor Lyre Murao representing UP Min's UPGRADE, Dr. Luis Sison of the University of the Philippines' UPSCALE, and Andrew Wong, founder of E3 Hubs (Malaysia), signed the memorandum for the training series that began the following day. [Image: HEIRIT 2.0 Kick-off.jpg ]

UP Baguio’s technology transfer and business development team, led by Chancellor Corazon Abansi, visited UP Mindanao on 22 June, before attending HEIRIT 2.0. [Image: UP Baguio visit.jpg ]

The UP Growing and Developing Enterprises (UPGRADE), UPMin’s technology-business incubator, produced 23 new prospective Filipino entrepreneurs on July 5, 2022, through a commencement exercise for the Introductory Course to Market Validation and Research. Lead trainer Dr. Sylvia Concepcion delivered the closing lecture, and selected participants gave their feedback from the workshop. In addition, Asst. Prof. Miguel Carlo Guillermo, UPGRADE project leader, and Ms. Lynda A. Buenaobra, chief administrative officer of the Technology Transfer and Business Development Office, delivered messages during the commencement.  

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UP Mindanao co-organized the first Davao Startup Week in August 2022 through its Innovation for Development and Acceleration of Startups in Davao (IDEAS-Davao), a consortium convened by UP Mindanao’s UP Growing and Developing Enterprises (UPGRADE) technology business incubator. MSGuillermo as Project Leader of the IDEAS Davao conducted/co-organized startup workshops for the Davao Startup Week.

The Davao-Israel Innovation Night on August 11, 2022, saw technopreneurs pitch their startup ideas for improved agriculture, commerce, and construction, coffee and food for social benefit, and apps for education in rural areas and employment for disabled persons. Among the guests were the Embassy of Israel in Manila’s deputy chief of mission, Mr. Nir Balzam, Mr. Itamar Gero of the Israeli Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines, the event keynote speaker, and PCIEERD executive director Dr. Enrico Paringit. 

[image options: suggested caption: Israeli representatives Itamar Gero and Nir Balzam, and UPMin assistant professor Miguel Guillermo at the Davao-Israel Innovation Night

 suggested caption: Alumnus Adrian Bernardino pitches “Hayahay” app for business integration

suggested caption: The guests and organizers of Davao-Israel Innovation Night]

The Mindanao TBI Summit on August 12-13, 2022, revealed the Davao startup community maturity at level 3 or as an “Accelerating Ecosystem,” with 115 identified startups and 67 supporters from government, universities, and private firms. 

UP Mindanao alumni and students participated and emerged winners of the pitch competition in the Techstars Startup Weekend Davao 2022. Their startup ideas focused on vehicle service management, vehicle parking space booking, an app for the vegan and vegetarian community, and for personal safety.

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 suggested caption: Christian Vincent Binobo of UPMin Computer Science pitches AutoCare suggested caption: Corally Into of BSCS pitches for Alerto app

Finally, UP Mindanao’s UPGRADE was named Outstanding Incubator, and its center manager Richard Day as Outstanding Rainmaker at the Davao Startup Champion Awards Night, the culmination of the Davao Startup Week.

[image options: UPGRADE logo suggested caption: Mr. Richard Day, Outstanding Rainmaker]

UP Mindanao launched three new technopreneurs at the ISKO Cohort 3 Graduation held on October 28, 2022 in Davao City. ISKO, or Innovative Startup Knowledge Optimizer, is UP Min’s startup  training program for its technology-business incubation trainees. Cohort 3 is composed of the CEOs of Virtualahan, a social enterprise that trains and employs differently-abled people, Geopik Technologies, a web platform that produces location intelligence for business use, and AIMHI, a construction management software.

UP Mindanao’s UP Growing and Developing Enterprises (UPGRADE) and its Technology Transfer & Business Development Office (TTBDO) was in charge of Day 3 of Philippine Startup Week 2022 (PHSW22) which brought together the local startup community in a 5-day nationwide conference on November 14-18, 2022, through the efforts of the Department of Science and Technology, Department of Trade & Industry, Department of Information and Communications Technology, and QBO Innovation Hub.

University of the Philippines Mindanao (UP Mindanao) chancellor Dr. Lyre Anni E. Murao joined the signing of the memorandum of agreement on November 16, 2022, between the Department of Science and Technology and 15 Higher Education Institutions that will establish their own Technology Business Incubators. This is because UPMin's own TBI, the University of the Philippines Growing and Developing Enterprises (UPGRADE), spearheads the implementation of the DOST's TBI program.

Chancellor Murao signed a memorandum of understanding for UPMin to be part of the DTI’s Davao Region iSTRIKE consortium during a roadshow visit by the DTI-Competitiveness and Innovation Group on September 22, 2022.  Chancellor Murao and Prof. Larry Digal facilitated the briefings on the UPGRADE technology business incubation, the Philippine Genome Center Mindanao, the Artificial Intelligence programs, and the Lactic Acid technology project, which the DTI-CIG team collectively declared as competitive and innovative and qualified for marketing and promotion under DTI’s RAPID and iSTRIKE programs.



The Davao Writers Guild held PAGBUBUO(D), an online book launch on 26 March 2022 of Ria Valdez's (Humanities) "Sum of Her Parts" poetry collection, published by Road Map Series Vol 6. No. 6. The event had poetry readings and a conversation with the author.

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[Ria: ]

The UP Mindanao Office of Research held the second installment of the webinar series “ Towards Creating Impacts: UP Mindanao-funded Research '' on 20 April 2022 online via Zoom and Facebook Live. Prof. Juma Novie A. Alviola, Asst. Prof. Imee Marie A. Acopiado, Prof. Glory Dee A. Romo, and Asst. Prof. Jon Marx Sarmiento delivered lectures on their respective research. Eighty one participants from all over the country attended. 

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The Office of Research and the Public Relations Office conducted a training and  workshop series titled “Social media as a research dissemination tool: Establishing a social media presence for research projects/colleges” at the CHSS Mini Theater. Ms. Ana Patrice “Cheekie” Albay, a writer, social media strategist, and communications professional based in Davao City, is the resource person.

The School of Management (SOM) organized the OnlinE Online Book Launching of Dr. Niceto S. Poblador’s book on “Strategy in the New Age of Capitalism: Collaborative and Inclusive Approaches to Value Creation” on 5 May 2022. Prof. Ma. Cynthia Bautista, UP Vice President for Academic Affairs, gave the welcome remarks. Dr. Poblador, a former SOM Dean, gave a talk and signed copies of his book, which will be used in the BS Agribusiness Economics classes. 

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DBSES (organizer), 2022 Basic Molecular Biology Training for CMU faculty, researchers, and students, 2-6 May

UPMin researchers presented industrial and practical solutions to food and related sectors at the 35th-anniversary celebration of the 26-member Southern Mindanao Agriculture and Aquatic Resources Research and Development Consortium (SMAARRDEC) on August 17, 2022. The Department of Science and Technology’s Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD) support SMAARRDEC. 

In the Technology and Industry Forum:

The researches presented cover a wide range of scientific disciplines which include lactic acid technology, marine life preservation, probiotics and beverage development, agriculture, and the use of bignay leaves to synthesize silver nanoparticles.

Dr. Melvin Pasaporte’s pitch focused on convincing investors to invest in the UP Mindanao lactic acid technology, which promises a more cost-efficient process of producing lactic acid locally. 

Mr. Remie Aurelio’s pitch focused on minimizing the deterioration of coral reef ecosystems that would affect fishing and livelihoods in the Davao region. 

In the research forums:

Asst. Prof. Kriza Faye Calumba presented her study on the production of a probiotic beverage from marang, an abundant but underutilized fruit. Mixing a Lactobacillus strain previously isolated from nipa into the raw marang juice produced a non-dairy probiotic drink.

In the scientific poster presentations: 

Prof. Calumba showed the process of brewing beer with added pomelo peel, an abundant fruit by-product that remains underutilized, adding antioxidant properties and high total phenolic content to the beverage.

Angelyn Lacap’s poster showed how using an innovative fruit bag in wrapping 'Carabao' mangoes at the proper maturity stage improves the quality of the fruit and contributes to the export market—valued at PHP 756M in 2020. 

Khent Ivan Duerme's poster proposed using bignay leaves to synthesize silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). AgNPs synthesized from BLE exhibited antimicrobial activity and can be used for food packaging applications.  

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At the Applied modeling for decision support-systems in Health (AMDABIDSS-Health) program, some highlights were:

The predictive modeling for disease outbreaks (PPASTOL) research program conducted the Alpha Testing of the program’s Decision Support System on August 24, 2022. [ ]

The vulnerability assessment for emerging infectious diseases (VATAS) research program conducted field sampling at Brgy. Salaysay, Davao City, for the assessment of bats and non-volant mammals and survey on the knowledge, attitude, and perception of humans towards animals. [ ]

The Dept. of Social Sciences hosted Panel 1D of  "Kapuluan: Anthropology in the Archipelago," the 44th UGAT Annual Conference held in Marinduque State College on October 26-28, 2022. The panel, "'Islands' in the Highlands: Constructing and imagining spaces in the Pantaron Zone through epic narratives and practices," featured papers by faculty members Andrea Ragragio, Myfel Paluga, Kenette Millondaga, and Emmanuel Nabayra, and four BS Anthropology students.   

[see more in the Annex]

UP Mindanao participated in “ Agham+Sining: UP Innovation and Knowledge Festival 2022 ,” the two-day showcase of UP’s creative work, research projects, and technological innovations, held on November 28-29, 2022, in the UP Bonifacio Global City-Henry Sy Sr. Hall.

  • DiWA, the Disease Watch and Analytics web-based application developed by UPMin’s AMDABIDSS-Health research program, was one of the inventions offered in the “Sealing the Future: UP Partners With Industry” program, which featured a ceremonial signing between UP, the Inventor, and the Industry Partner.

Prof. May Anne Mata, the Inventor, met onstage with Department of Health - Davao Regional Director Dr. Annabelle Yumang, the Industry Partner, in the signing ceremony witnessed by UP Vice-President for Academic Affairs Maria Cynthia Rose Bautista, UPMin Chancellor Lyre Murao, and UP Technology Transfer and Business Development Director Dr. Luis Sison.

  • In Agham+Sining Plenary Session 6: “Okay ka ba tiyan? On responsible consumption and production,” Dr. Melvin Pasaporte presented the UP Mindanao Lactic Acid Technology and its economic prospects for the food, medical, and industrial production, nationwide. 

  • This Technology, initially developed by former UPMin faculty member Dulce M. Flores, is a sustainable process of producing lactic acid directly from cassava starch, an abundant agricultural resource in the Philippines. Unlike other existing technologies, this process can produce lactic acid in just 24 hours at room temperature using industrial-grade starch. This technology has a huge economic significance for our country since lactic acid has applications in multiple industries, but we don’t have local production. The Philippines imports all its lactic acid needs. With our technology, the Philippines can develop the manufacturing capability to produce lactic acid for different industrial applications. 

  • The top three applications for lactic acid are in the polymer industry, food and beverage industry, and chemicals industry. In the polymers industry, lactic acid is a raw material for the production of PolyLactic Acid or PLA, a biodegradable material with high demand from the packaging, biomedical, textile, electronics, agriculture, and other industries.

  • In Agham+Sining Session 4: “Partnerships for Technological Innovations,” Dr. Joel Hassan Tolentino presented the Philippine Genome Center Mindanao and its prospects in bringing genomics to Mindanao’s socio-cultural, academic, and agricultural development industries, and its contribution to efforts against COVID-19 and African Swine Fever. Omics, a branch of biological science, and its corresponding technologies with its immense potential for research and development were brought in by the establishment of the Philippine Genome Center Mindanao in 2019 as a satellite of the Philippine Genome Center in UP Diliman and housed in UP Mindanao, with funding from the Department of Science and Technology. PGC-Mindanao created the 42-member Mindanao Genomics Consortium to invigorate multi-disciplinary collaborative research in Mindanao. 

  • At the height of activities in 2020, the African Swine Fever disease hit Mindanao, which led PGC-Mindanao to seek and earn accreditation as a Laboratory Testing Facility of ASFV. The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, which followed, motivated PGC-Mindanao to deliver technical assistance for the establishment of three COVID-19 molecular laboratories in the Davao Region and train 100-plus Mindanao medical personnel in molecular diagnostics. In the intensifying efforts to limit the spread of the pandemic, PGC Mindanao participated in the national biosurveillance program to identify COVID-19 variants to mitigate the effects of similar health crises. These three major activities are ongoing concerns of the PGC-Mindanao to this day, even as it continues with its mandated services and R&D for Mindanao.

Extension and Community Service

UP Mindanao Pahinungod culminated its Typhoon Odette donation drive in January 2022. As of 31 January 2022, total donations amounted to PhP 114,950.00. Thirty-one affected students were provided with cash assistance in the total amount of PhP60,135.00.  The remaining balance from the donations is PhP 54,815.00. The UP Foundation also sent the amount of PhP 128,800.00 in support to the UP Mindanao request thru the UP Mindanao Foundation, Inc. bank account.

Ugnayan ng Pahinungod UP Mindanao participated in the Gurong Pahinungod Orientation by the Ugnayan ng Pahinungod System Office on 09 April 2022. Six UPMin alumni and two students signed up. 

The Pahinungod’s Psychological First Aid was mobilized on 11 April 2022 for UP Mindanao students affected by flooding caused by successive rains and LPA; one student received financial assistance.

Ugnayan ng Pahinungod, the Office of Extension and Community Service, in partnership with the Obu Manuvu Unified Ancestral Domain Tribal Council of Elders/Leaders Inc. (OMUADTCEL) had a Turn-Over of Donated School Supplies on 26 April 2022 to Ladi-an Elementary School. The schoolchildren received 150 Sets of School Supplies containing ballpen, pencil, crayons, modeling clay, paper, scissors, glue, construction paper. The teachers received office supplies.

  The UP Mindanao Ugnayan ng Pahinungod organized a free webinar, “Strengthening Resiliency of Public School Teachers in Handling Limited Face-to-Face Classes,” with Assoc. Prof. Rachelle A. Bersamin on 7 June 2022. The webinar included a School Learning Action Cell (SLAC) session with Sadaan Elementary School to provide stress management strategies under the new normal. View webinar: .  

Ugnayan ng Pahinungod also began holding academic tutorials in Marilog District, Davao City, every Saturday, beginning June 2022. On 4 June, they held their opening session in English Language Tutorial in partnership with Davao City IP Mandatory Representative Hon. Datu Rody Mande. [Image: Pahinungod Tutorial.jpg ]


Chancellor Murao and Ugnayan ng Pahinungod UP Mindanao director Michael Gatela participated in the Bangsamoro Junior Scientist Program (BJSP) Launch and Consultation Workshop on July 5, 2022 in Cotabato City. The BJSP was identified as an area of collaboration in the recently signed Memorandum of Understanding between UP President Concepcion and Minister Mohagher Iqbal of the Ministry of Basic, Higher and Technical  Education (MBHTE) of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).

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UP Mindanao’s Department of Architecture held talks with BARMM planners and officials of the Ministry of Human Settlements & Development (MHSD) on July 12 to offer technical skills training for the formulation and updating of Comprehensive Land Use Plans (CLUP). 

Prof. Isidoro Malaque (center) also met with Ms. May Quezada (left, in photo), Planning and Development Coordinator of Parang municipality. (Photo courtesy of BARMM-MHSD)

The Office of Extension and Community Service delivered training services to staff members of the BARMM Mindanao Indigenous Peoples' Affairs (MIPA) on July 27-30, 2022 in Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao. Prof. Pedro Alviola IV and Asst. Prof. Jon Marx Sarmiento (School of Management) gave the training on "Data Analysis using Statistics and Econometrics" to help the MIPA staff complete their Comprehensive Study on the Indigenous Peoples' Situation in the BARMM.

Resource Speaker, DURP/MAURP, Department of Architecture, Capacity Building Seminar and Workshop on Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the BARRM Ministry of Human Settlements and Development (MHSD-BARMM )(Module 1 of 6), UP Mindanao, Davao City, 23-24 Aug-22

Malaque, Isidoro III

Rosel, Minerva

Resource Speaker

Songcayauon, Ryan

Yares, Micah

Resource Speakers, DURP/MAURP, Department of Architecture, Workshop on the Formulation of the Executive Legislative Agenda CY 2022-2025, Davao City, 8-10 Aug-22, Office of the City Mayor, City of Surigao

Malaque, Isidoro III

Rosel, Minerva

Songcayauon, Ryan

Yares, Micah

UP Symphony Orchestra

UP Mindanao and the UP Mindanao Foundation Inc. led preparations for the UP Symphony Orchestra (UPSO) concert, “Pasko at Musika” on December 20, 2022, in Davao City. The Davao City Local Government Unit has incorporated “Pasko at Musika” to the official city Christmas calendar and the UPSO will perform a free mini-concert in the Davao City Hall Park on December 19.

Academic Expertise in Public Service

Phil. Genome Center (PGC)-Mindanao organized the 2022 Basic Molecular Biology Training (F2F) for Gensan Doctors Faculty. PGC Mindanao Science Education and Training DIvision. Molecular Biology Laboratory, CSM, UP Mindanao. 13-15 June.

DBSES organized the 2022 Basic Molecular Biology Training (face-to-face) for GenSan Senior High School Teachers. PGC Mindanao Science Education and Training Division. Molecular Biology Laboratory, College of Science and Mathematics, UP Mindanao. 25 to 27 July 2022

The Chancellor, Vice Chancellors and Deans shared best practices during the benchmarking visit of the 45-person delegation from Northern Bukidnon State College, on August 25, 2026, at the Lorenzo Hall, Administration Buidling.

Prof. Vladimer Kobayashi (Dept. of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science), and Prof. Ruth Gamboa (Dept. of Biological Science and Environmental Studies), led UPMin’s participation in a coastal clean-up at the Pawikan Sanctuary in Davao City, on September 17, 2022, in line with the International Coastal Cleanup Day. The activity is aligned with the research project of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications and drones to assess beached litter and marine turtle nesting sites.

Physics instructor Mark Gino Aliperio gave expert advise to members of the media in a huddle on September 7, 2022, following news of a local vehicular mishap. “Bus systems limit the vehicles on the road, and lesser probability of an accident,” he said. 


UP Mindanao celebrated National Women's Month (NWM) in March 2022. Chancellor Murao delivered a message of solidarity at UP's NWM opening ceremony organized by the UP Center for Women's and Gender Studies ( ). UP Mindanao's Gender and Development Coordinator, Ms. Marilou Montiflor, also issued a message of support ( ).

The Gender and Development Office delivered a hybrid online and face-to-face seminar series on practical skills on 21 March 2022 with the UP Madayaw Multi-purpose Cooperative. The seminar-webinars were on common household plumbing, kimchi and siomai-making, cosmetic make-up, and healthy eating. 

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The Gender Research Forum on 28 March 2022 had Instructor Mandeep Ranu present her study on a pleasure-based approach to ending HIV and AIDS, University Researcher and GAD coordinator Marilou Montiflor presented policies that enhance women's roles in agriculture, and Ms. Mitchiko Lopez shared her study on leveraging existing gender relations to optimize gains from value-added opportunities. Chancellor Lyre Anni Murao and College of Humanities & Social Sciences Dean Raymundo Pavo gave remarks, as well. 

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The Anti-Sexual Harassment Office held the Gender Sensitivity Orientation and UP Anti-Sexual Harassment (ASH) Code Orientation on 23 May 2022 for both UP Mindanao students, constituents, and interested individuals outside the university. [Image: ]

As part of the Gender Sensitivity Orientation Series and in solidarity with Pride Month, the UP Mindanao Gender and Development conducted a Webinar on Gender-Fair Language on 23 June. Prof. Nelfa M. Glova, faculty of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, served as the Resource Speaker. 

Land Reservations

The Land Reservation Management Office ’s (LRMO) Land Reservation Development and Management Program (Land RAMP) organized capability-building for the UP land reservation residents. 

Some 30 persons from the Obu Manuvu Women and Ladi-an Farmers Association attended the Training on Production of Pickled Cucumber on 3 March 2022 in the Marilog land reservation. 

In the UP Marilog (Davao City) Land Reservation, the Free Range Chicken Production, a project with the Obu-Manuvu indigenous people’s organization, shows the fowls are ready for distribution to qualified farmer-beneficiaries in August 2022. 

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In the Laak land reservation, some 25 members of the Talle Farmers Association took the season-long Training on Sustainable Vegetable Production (Market Scanning and Opportunities) on 4 March 2022 and onward. 

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On 31 August 2022, some 103 school children received school supplies from the UP Mindanao Land Reservation Management Office’s (LRMO) Oplan Tulong-Dunong donation drive on August 31, 2022. These were school children of Sta. Emelia Elementary School in the UP Laak (Davao de Oro) Land Reservation and Datu Ladayon Elementary School in the UP Marilog (Davao City) Land Reservation. LRMO chief Joel Sagadal said the Tulong Dunong would continue as underserved school children remain at the sites. In addition, sports equipment such as balls will be solicited. 

[image option: suggested caption: School children of Sta. Emelia Elementary School in the UP Laak (Davao de Oro) Land Reservation]

The LRMO met with the Davao de Oro State College team on August 5, 2022, to discuss academic collaboration and the sustainable livelihood of cacao farmers in the UP Laak Land Reservation. 

[image options:

 suggested caption: The UPMin team of (leftmost) Carol Balgos and Joel Sagadal at the Davao de Oro State College]

The Land Reservations team at the Laak Land Reservation on August 11, 2022:

In celebration of Kasadya 2022, the UP Mindanao community is organizing Paghinatagay, a gift giving event in benefit of the families and communities from the UP Mindanao Land Reserve - Laak Area.

Alumni and partners

UPMin mourned the passing of former president Fidel V. Ramos by flying its flag at half-mast on August 1-10, 2022. 

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The 12th Philippine president signed Republic Act 7889, an act creating UP Mindanao, into law on February 20, 1995. 

He traveled to Davao City on February 21, 1995, to reenact the signing ceremony in the presence of the UP alumni who had lobbied for the creation of UP Mindanao. 

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President Ramos also signed Presidential Proclamation 822 on July 3, 1996, which set aside 204 hectares in Davao City for the UP Mindanao campus. 

The president also signed two proclamations on June 15, 1998, creating the UP Mindanao land reservations for its instruction, research, and development activities: 

  • Presidential Proclamation 1252 created the Laak (Davao de Oro) Land Reservation, covering 2,800 hectares

  • Presidential Proclamation 1253 created the Marilog (Davao City) Land Reservation with 4,100 hectares

Mr. Ramos visited UP Mindanao on February 22, 2008, to receive a certificate of appreciation from the UP Mindanao constituents. 

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Mr. Ramos was honored with a Gawad Binhing Pilak (Silver Seeds Award) in the Testimonial Program for the Prime Movers of UP Mindanao on November 26, 2021.

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Newly-reelected Davao City 3rd District Representative Isidro T. Ungab visited UP Mindanao on 8 June 2022 to inquire what help he can provide through legislation. Rep. Ungab also made an ocular visit at the Davao City-UP Sports Complex to check the developments as he plans to provide financial assistance to incoming Associate Arts Sports Studies (AASS) IP students. He met with Chancellor Murao, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Novero, Vice Chancellor for Administration Estaña, Prof. Digal (former chancellor), Extension Director Protacio, Pahinungod Director Gatela, and Architect Telmo. Rep. [Images: Rep. Ungab visit.jpg , Rep. Ungab visit 2.jpg ]

UP Alumni Association-Davao (UPAAD) announced on 26 April its Election of Directors, scheduled on 12-13 May 2022 via email submission of ballots to or manual voting at UP Mindanao Foundation Inc. (UPMFI) office, Davao City. Available were seven board seats with a term of two years. 

The UP Alumni Association Davao held elections for seven directors on 15-17 May 2022. In the photo at the first board meeting are (seated, L-R): Mona Abad, Gladys Garcia, Rosario Amatong-Buendia, Toie Biruar-Mitmug, (standing) Stephen Angala, Nap Concepcion (re-elected chairperson), Rene Estremera, Bogs Quitain (re-elected president), and (online, on-screen) Chancellor Murao, Krishna Balaga, Glenn Sorila, Khalil Guinomla. [Image: ]

The UP Alumni Association Davao held elections for seven directors on 15-17 May 2022. Re-elected were Napoleon Concepcion, Rene Estremera, Pedro “Bogs’ Quitain” III, Marie Glenn Cedeño-Sorila; newly-elected were Rosario Amatong-Buendia, Mohammad Khalil Guinomla, and Gladys Mebrano-Garcia. They join continuing directors Precious Legario, Gaye Florendo, Bai Ashrafiya Aymee “Toie” Biruar-Mitmug, Renato Rayel, Trixia Mona Abad, Monzer Abpi, Antoinette Principe, and Ramon Alfredo de la Cruz. Ex-officio directors are Chancellor Lyre Murao, UPLBAAD pres. Stephen Angala, and UPMin AA pres. Krishna Balaga.

In the photo at the first board meeting are (seated, L-R): Mona Abad, Gladys Garcia, Rosario Amatong-Buendia, Toie Biruar-Mitmug, (standing) Stephen Angala, Nap Concepcion, Rene Estremera, Bogs Quitain, and (online, on-screen) Chancellor Murao, Krishna Balaga, Glenn Sorila, Khalil Guinomla

The UP Alumni Association-Davao (UPAAD) Officers for 2022-2023 were inducted by Prof. Leo Manuel Estaña, Vice Chancellor for Administration, on 17 June 2022. Mr. Nap Concepcion and Mr. Pedro “Bogs” Quitain were re-elected as Chairperson and President, respectively. [Image: UPAAD Induction.jpg ]

Chancellor Murao and her vice-chancellors presented their strategic plan to the alumni on 9 July 2022. in response, the alumni offered to recruit sponsors for components of the plan, particularly on student welfare and selected infrastructure.

Officers of the UP Alumni Association Davao held an installation of Legacy Tiles on October 29, 2022 for 57 additional alumni whose names are engraved in the UP Mindanao Oblation Plaza , in support for the UPAA-Davao’s Bahay Alumni project in the UP Mindanao campus.

UP Mindanao celebrated the UP Men’s Basketball Team’s victory in the UAAP with a Bonfire Program on 16 May 2022 at the UP Mindanao Oblation Circle. More than 100 guests including UP and UPMin alumni celebrated around the bonfire. [Image: ]

Davao-based alumni present a certificate of appreciation to UP President Atty. Danilo L. Concepcion on July 18, 2022, in Davao City, "for promoting a strong and resilient alumni collaboration with UP Mindanao as it fulfills its vital role in the growth and development of Mindanao." 

Presenting the certificate are (left-right) Pedro "Bogs" Quitain III and Nap Concepcion, president and chairperson, respectively, of UP Alumni Association Davao, and Sebastian "Angie" Angliongto and Atty. Dinah Tolentino-Fuentes, chairperson and president, respectively, of the UP Mindanao Foundation.

Chancellor Lyre Anni Murao was sworn into office as member of the Board of Trustees of the Davao Colleges & Universities Network (DACUN) in an oath-taking ceremony administered by Davao City Councilor Pilar Braga during the DACUN Annual General Assembly held at the Philippine Women's College (PWC) of Davao on July 14, 2022.    

 "This has been an opportunity for all of us to rekindle our relationships here in the DACUN family and establish new relationships," she said. "I’m new in this family, but I really felt welcomed by our colleagues in the team. Thank you for welcoming me," she said.

The DACUN is presently composed of Assumption College of Davao, Ateneo de Davao University, Brokenshire College, Davao Doctors College, Holy Cross of Davao College, Rizal Memorial Colleges, San Pedro College, Philippine Women’s College of Davao, University of the Immaculate Conception, University of Mindanao, University of Southeastern Philippines, and the University of the Philippines Mindanao. 

The UP Mindanao Department of Human Kinetics hosted “ Panaghisgot ” with Mindanao higher education institutions (HEI) on November 28-29, 2022, to discuss its sustainable Mindanao sports development program and its prospective contribution to the Socio-Cultural and Education Pillar of the Brunei Indonesia Malaysia Philippines - East Asia Growth Triangle (BIMP-EAGA). The event, which was sponsored by the the Philippine Sports Commission, the Commission on Higher Education, the Mindanao Development Authority, and the offices of Sen. Juan Edgardo Angara, and Rep. Isidro Ungab, culminated in a pledging ceremony to the sports program by the Mindanao HEIs.


Chancellor Murao issued a Call for Nominees to the Search Committee for CSM Dean on October 28, 2022 in preparation for the end of the term of College of Science and Mathematics Dean Dominica “Mimi” Dacera on January 2023. (photo from JA Mantiquilla)

new facade:

VC for Administration Leo Manuel Estaña pushed for the Performance-Based Bonus by enjoining units to accomplish the Performance Indicators under their respective areas.

UP Vice President for Administration Nestor G. Yunque and the UPMin team met with the Commission on Audit team assigned to UP Mindanao for an Entrance Conference on September 28, 2022. Current issues and concerns were also discussed, in addition to the regular agenda items. [ ]

VP Yunque also announced plantilla items to be given in October and upcoming personnel benefits in an impromptu consultation with UP Mindanao non-teaching personnel on the same date. [ ]

UP Mindanao earned an Energy Audit rating of 85.57% from the Government Energy Management Program after a month-long study by a Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Audit Team culminating in an on-site visit on October 27, 2022. The rating, which is above the passing rating of 80%, has a descriptive rating of Grade B and an equivalent star rating of Three Stars. Among the energy audit markers are the electricity and fuel consumption and the observance of energy saving practices.

The VC for Administration convened an online Townhall Meeting in november 2022 to present the public transportation rates for motorcycle transport to and from campus. These rates were discussed and agreed upon with the transport associations to harmonize the needs of UPMin constituents  and the transport providers.

Staff development

In human resource development, the HRDO and the OVC for Administration delivered a Zoom webinar on "Data Privacy and Freedom of Information" on 10 January 2022 to educate employees on the proper handling of sensitive/confidential information, to protect their data against the "re-identification" of private data over time, and to meet regulatory requirements. Legal Officer Charmaine Valentin served as resource speaker.

UP Mindanao Teaching Effectiveness Workshop was held on 23 and 30 August 2022 via Zoom.

The OVCA held the Consultation and Sharing of Experiences on Administrative Processes via Zoom on 16 August 2022.

The OVCA gave a seminar on Records Management on 31 August 2022 at CHSS Mini-Theater with AO Analiza Fulvadora as resource person.

The Office of Gender and Development gave a Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines (HGDG) Workshop on October 24-25, 2022 for a better appreciation of the value of gender mainstreaming in the various university projects.

The Office of Anti-Sexual Harassment (ASH) organized a series of online consultations to gather inputs for the amendment of the UP ASH Code   on 24 October 2022. The UP System ASH will consolidate all inputs towards enhancing the Code.

The Office of Gender and Development gave a Gender Sensitivity Orientation for Janitorial Services and Tricycle Drivers and Operators on October 28, 2022.

Gender and Development Office (GAD) organized a 2-day online Workshop on Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines (HGDG) tool for Infrastructure Projects on 24-25 November 2022. Dr. Milagros A. Rimando served as the resource person. This contributes to the capability of personnel in using the HGDG tool for API proposals and mainstream GAD in the university research, instruction, infrastructure, and extension.

Non-teaching personnel took a Customer Service Skills seminar on October 28, 2022 with a resource person from the Department of Trade and Industry-XI. In her remarks, Chancellor Murao said, “As public servants, we are mandated to deliver efficient effective and relevant services to our clients. It is a must that we meet if not exceed the expectations of our customers.” 

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Non-teaching staff members and front-line unit heads took the 'Ease of Doing Business" Anti-Red Tape Seminar in UP Mindanao on November 17, 2022 which covered the principles of efficient government service as stated in Republic Act 11032, "The Ease of Doing Business Act." Administrative Officer Analiza Fulvadora, vice-chairperson of the Anti-Red Tape Committee, served as lead resource person.

The Human Resource Development Office (HRDO), together with the Department of Food Science and Chemistry (DFSC), Department of Math, Physics, and Computer Science (DMPCS), Department of Human Kinetics (DHK), School of Management (SOM), Campus Planning and Development Office (CPDO), and Budget Office, organized “ Pasidungog ug Pasasalamat: A Tribute to our Colleagues ” on 18 April 2022. The event celebrated the retirement of Prof. Virginia P. Obsioma (DFSC), Prof. Nilo B. Oponda (DMPCS), and Ms. Cherrylyn D. Cabrera (CPDO), and the late colleagues—Ms. Teresita V. Lagsub (Budget Office), Ms. Ivy Mae O. Manlangit (SOM), and Mr. Albert Francis Reginald T. Ramos (DHK). 

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Last August 4, 5, and 8, the DHK – led by Prof. Armando Salazar, DESS Student Mr. Invictus Lorenzo, and Coach Michael Flores, together with the OVCA – successfully hosted the three-day Table Tennis Tournament for faculty and staff. The championship was held on August 8 at the CHSS Mini Theater. 

UP Mindanao participated in the Nationwide Earthquake Drill on 9 June 2022 with a memorandum from UP President Danilo Concepcion. The drill proceeded through the routine steps and the administration convened to evaluate the activity. [Image: Earthquake drill.jpg

CSM Faculty Members and staff attended and participated in the webinar about Basic Guide to Conducting Effective and Efficient Meetings organized by UPMin-HRDO on July 4, 2022.

The UP Mindanao community participated in a Fire and Earthquake Seminar and Drill on October 3, 2022, in line with the scheduled national drill. In the morning, resource persons gave an orientation and seminar and the drill followed at 1 PM.

An emergency evacuation took place around 4 PM on October 19,  following an Earthquake in Davao del Sur Province . Work was temporarily suspended but resumed the next day after in-house inspectors declared the buildings safe.


UP Mindanao units updated the UP Mindanao Public Service Continuity Plan in a training facilitated by the UP Resilience Institute over October 25-27, 2022. An Incident Command Team was built into the PSCP and personnel were identified for various roles in the ICT.

The PSCP and the Crisis Management Committee were activated in the aftermath of Tropical Storm Paeng . The Office of Student Affairs and the Pahinungod Psychological First Aid volunteers led the efforts to communicate with students identified as residents of storm-affected areas in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.  By October 31, some 94 students were contacted, all of whom declared themselves and their families safe, though a small number admitted to being affected by floods and electrical outages. Chancellor Murao issued a request for faculty members to make adjustments for the affected students.

Chancellor Murao issued a memo on September 25, 2002, providing academic ease for UPMin students based in Luzon who may have been affected by Typhoon Karding (Super Typhoon Noru) that entered the Philippine Area of Responsibility on September 26.

The NDCC's Orange Rainfall Warning on November 23, 2022, prompted the Office of Student Affairs to identify students from the affected areas of Cotabato,  totaling 87 students. By November 27, the OSA contacted 58 students of which only one needed assistance.  This student, whose residence was affected by knee-high flooding, was endorsed to the UPMin Ugnayan ng Pahinungod and given financial assistance.

UPMin personnel, faculty, and students, participated in the National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill on November 10, 2022. Reports indicated that constituents from the Administration Building and beyond over two kilometers to the DC-UP Sports Complex, practiced orderly evacuation, converged in designated assembly points, and conducted an inventory of their colleagues.

COVID-19 cases reported

Among UP Mindanao personnel, there were two cases of COVID-19 in July and were eventually cleared, following quarantine.


  • On August 23, 2022, there were three Index (COVID-19-positive) cases who were under quarantine. Forty were tagged as F1 (close contacts) of which six went into quarantine while 34 did not show symptoms and reported to work while doing self-monitoring.

  • On August 31, 2022, there were eight Index cases of which three were cleared and five were under quarantine. The number of F1s increased to 57 but 42 were cleared, 14 did self-monitoring while working, and only one remained under quarantine.

Among UP Mindanao constituents 

  • There were four index (positive) cases , three students and one personnel, on October 14, all of whom were eventually cleared.

  • Two additional students became index cases and were in quarantine on October 25 

  • A number of close contacts identified through contact tracing were eventually cleared

  • Two students who were positive cases were cleared as of November 2, 2022

  • Close contacts traced comprising one personnel and 40 students were also cleared 


The Department of Social Sciences and UP Mindanao suffered a loss with the death of Senior Lecturer Emmanuel S. Nabayra on September 10, 2022. Mr. Nabayra, a long-time faculty member, was renowned for his work in Mandaya culture, epic, and language. His lectures were told in rich historical detail and with a high level of expertise.

Employee organizations

Newly-elected officers of the Research, Extension, and Professional Services Association (REPSA ) took their Oath of Office on October 10, 2022, with Chancellor Murao administering the oath. University Librarian Briccio Merced returned as president.  

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All UP Academic Employees Union former president Asst. Prof. Carl Marc Ramota paid a courtesy visit to Chancellor Murao on October 21, 2022, together with Prof. Rommel Rodriguez, a member of AUPAEU national executive board and Asst. Prof. Rommel Real, AUPAEU Mindanao’s VP for faculty. The union officials held the Talakayang Unyon with their constituents on the same day.  

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Six non-teaching personnel performed in the online recital of " Gitara at Awit 4, ” an extension service by the UP College of Music, held on 5 April 2022. Gitara at Awit was a collaboration with the All UP Workers Union-UP Mindanao chapter. 

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UP Mindanao in the News

UP Mindanao was mentioned in the following news articles:

“Genome-sequencing laboratory to open in UP-Mindanao” Philippines News, 01/24/2022.

“Genome-sequencing laboratory to open in UP-Mindanao” Rappler, 01/24/2022.

“Davao region’s new COVID-19 cases breach 1,000-mark for 3rd day” Phil Daily Inquirer, 01/22/2022.

"DOH 11 to conduct a dry run for genome sequencing lab” Maya Padillo, The Edge Davao, 01/13/2022

“Launching of the Mindanao Studies Center,” UP Alumni web page, not dated.

In February, there were 13 news bulletins posted on the UP Mindanao website ( ), which garnered a total of 2,058 hits, to date.

On Facebook , there were 43 bulletin posts in February 2022.  It has 18,733 followers, to date.

On Twitter, the UP Mindanao team issued 58 tweets, particularly during the anniversary ceremony on 21 February and the chancellorship forum on 02 February. It has 2,153 followers, to date. ( )

On YouTube , five new videos were posted, including “Looking Forward Together” Highlights of 2019-2022, all earning 922 views, to date. 

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UP Mindanao was monitored in the following news articles :

“Experts studying new agent for mango ripening,” , accessed 02/20/2022.

UP Mindanao’s PRO team networked with media for UPMin’s convocation, arnis academy, and strategic plan events, and organized a huddle with physics professor Mark Gino Aliperio.

UPMin's university convocation for first-year students appeared on Peoples Television Davao broadcast and Facebook page and on Mindanao Times. 

The gradual return of students to campus and restored academic guidelines was featured in BusinessMirror and on SunStar Davao.

DMPCS physics instructor Mark Gino Aliperio was quoted in news reports promoting bus systems for improved public safety following news of a local road accident on September 7, 2022.

UPMin researchers’ discovery of an endangered sea cucumber in a Davao City beach was featured in Davao Light & Power’s website.

Oplan Tulong-Dunong of UP Mindanao’s Land Reservation Management Office (LRMO) was featured on SunStar Davao.

UPMin’s Arnis Sports Academy MOU-signing was featured on Peoples Television Davao and Live One TV. 


Individual Accomplishments

International Publication Award (IPA 2022): 

EODiamante, MAEMata, GFROguis, PAAlviola, ZTLachica for “Cost Optimization of the Intensified Rabies Control Program in Davao City, Philippines using Linear Programming.” 

MC Castro, JMP Sarmiento, LN Digal, for “Demand elasticities of canned tuna using point of sale data of a large retail chain in southern Philippines” Philippine Journal of Science.

PA Alviola IV:

  • “Cost Optimization of the Intensified Rabies Control Program in Davao City, Philippines Using Linear Programming,” Philippine Journal of Science.

  • “Local Community Perceptions of the Ecological and Socio-Economic Benefits of Spiders in Small-Scale Urban Green Spaces for Conservation Reinforcement,” Asian Journal of Conservation Biology.

ALV Gomez, for “Protected Areas and Nature-Based Tourism in the Philippines: Paying to Climb Mount Apo Natural Park,” chapter of the book “Nature-Based Tourism in Asia’s Mountainous Protected Areas: A Trans-regional Review of Peaks and Parks” published by Springer Nature, Switzerland.

Jon Marx P. Sarmiento, Pedro A. Alviola IV, “Neighborhood effects in hybrid rice adoption in Davao del Sur, Philippines.” 

Nikko L. Laorden, Jon Marx Sarmiento, Glory Dee A. Romo, Thaddeus R. Acuña, Imee Marie A. Acopiado for “Impact of supply chain disruptions during COVID-19 to micro, small and medium enterprises in Davao Region, Philippines.”

Melissa P. Loquias, Larry N. Digal, Shemaiah Gail P. Placencia, Marvin Louie G. Orbeta, and Ms. Carol Q. Balgos for “Factors Affecting Participation in Contract Farming of Smallholder Cavendish Banana Farmers in the Philippines.”

EODiamante, MAEMata, LAEMurao for “Trends of Canine Rabies Lyssavirus and Impact of the Intensified Rabies Control Program in Davao City, Philippines 2006-2017. Award received: July 2022.

• Marvin Louie G. Orbeta, Larry N. Digal, Ivi Jaquelyn T. Astronomo, Carol Q. Balgos, Shemaiah Gail P. Placencia, Melissa P. Loquias, and Paolo Enrico Codog for “Analyzing factors affecting the technical efficiency of small-scale seaweed farms using a two-stage double bootstrap DEA approach.” This article was published in the Journal of Applied Aquaculture.

Four (4) IPA approvals from Prof ERVBayogan as one of the authors of the following journals: (1) Mindanao Journal of Science and Technology.  Effect of ethanol vapor and perforations in polyethylene bags on the antioxidant qualities of ‘Thai Round Green’ eggplant fruit. (2) Mindanao Journal of Science and Technology. Sprouting of chayote fruit as influenced by passive modified atmosphere packaging and different postharvest chemical treatments. (3) Walailak J of Sci and Technology. Effect of harvest time, delay in destemming and desapping treatment on the sap volume and visual quality of ‘Carabao’ mango fruit. (4) Plant Soil and Environment.  Possible role of antioxidants in hydroprimed sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seeds under heat stress


  • Acopiado, Imee Marie A., Jon Marx P. Sarmiento, Glory Dee A. Romo, Thaddeus R. Acuña, Adonis M. Traje, and Geraliza D. Wahing. “Digital Payment Adoption during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Philippines.” Philippine Journal of Science , 151 (3): 1185-1196. Accessed May 6, 2022.

  • ArArcede, J.P., Caga-anan, R.L., Mammeri, Y., Namoco, R.A., Gonzales, I.C.A., Lachica, Z.P., and Mata, M.A.E., 2022. A modeling strategy for novel pandemics using monitoring data: the case of early COVID-19 pandemic in Northern Mindanao, Philippines. Philipp. Sci. Lett., 2022. 15 (1) 035-046.

  • Wyse, S.K., Martignoni, M.M., Mata, M.A., Foxall, E. and Tyson, R.C., 2022. Structural sensitivity in the functional responses of predator-prey models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.11256.

Juven Nino A. Villacastin, “A Filipina Diplomat Strengthening Negotiation Skills in the Field of Nuclear Disarmament,’ UNITAR

Asst. Prof. Usares, “Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices on Green Technology of a Higher Education Institution in Southern Mindanao, Philippines”. Published June 15 in Banwa Multi-Disciplinary Journal.

Otero, M. C. B., Murao, L. A. E., Limen, M. A. G., Caalim, D. R. A., Gaite,P. L. A., Bacus, M. G., Acaso, J. T., Miguel, R. M., Corazo, K., Knot, I. E., Sajonia, H., de Los Reyes, F. L., Jaraula, C. M. B., Baja, E. S., & del Mundo, D. M. N. (2022). Multifaceted Assessment of Wastewater-Based Epidemiology for SARS-CoV-2 in Selected Urban Communities in Davao City, Philippines: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(14), 8789.

Rosero, E.V.G.A., Arandela, X.M.F, Satur, D.A.M., Lachica, Z.P.T., Lagare, A.,Eng., M.N.J., Oguis G.F.R.O, Mata M.A.E, Diamante E.O. (2022). Understanding rabies transmission dynamics and control in the three administrative districts of Davao City using a modified SEIV model. Philippine Journal of Science, 151(5), 1829-1844.

Reddy, R.M, Acaso, J.T., Alokanya, A.E., Mangrauthisa, S.K., Sundaram, R.M., Balachandran, S.M. and Biswal, A.K. . (2022). Accelerating Cereal Breeding for Disease Resistance Through Genome Editing. In: Zhao, K., Mishra, R., Joshi, R.K. (eds) Genome Editing Technologies for Crop Improvement. Springer, Singapore.

Giovanna Fae R. Oguis, Kim Dianne B. Ligue, May Anne E. Mata, Ritchie Mae T. Gamot, Yllyssa C. Fordan, Mariah Dora G. Rallos, and Larry N. Digal. Optimization Model of Supply Chain Network Design for Small-scale Banana Flour Production Using Deterministic and Metaheuristic Approach (Philippine Journal of Science: Now Available Online for October 2022 Issue)

• “Socioeconomic consequences of soil constraints” by Maria Fay Rola- Rubzen, Roy Murray-Prior, Claire Doll, Curtis Rollins, and Jon Marx P. Sarmiento was published as a chapter in the book entitled “Soil Constraints on Crop Production.” Cambridge Scholars Publishing in the United Kingdom published the book. It can be accessed through this link:

• “Impacts of COVID-19 on the catch of small-scale fishers (SSF) and their families due to restriction policies in Davao Gulf, Philippines” by Edison Roi D. Macusi, Stefanie Katrin V. Siblos, Martha Elena S. Betancourt, Erna S. Macusi, Michael N. Calderon, Michael Jeriel I. Bersaldo, and Larry N. Digal was published in the “Frontiers in Marine Science.”

Authorship of Audio-Visual Materials/Learning Objects/Laboratory or Lecture Manuals

AVPs produced by the AMDABiDSS-Health, ASIMOV, and SkAI-PINAS research programs were presented during the DOST EXECOM visit at UP Mindanao. June 28.

Authorship of Journal Publication/Book/Chapter in a book: 

  • Mantiquilla, J.A., M.-S. Shiao, H.-Y. Lu, K. Sridith, S.N.M. Sidique, W.K. Liyanage, Y.-L. Chu, H.-C. Shih and Y.-C. Chiang. 2022. Deep structured populations of geographically isolated nipa (Nypa fruticans Wurmb.) in the Indo-West Pacific revealed using microsatellite markers. Frontiers in Plant Science 13: 1038998. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.1038998.

  • Giovanna Fae R. Oguis, Kim Dianne B. Ligue, May Anne E. Mata, Ritchie Mae T. Gamot, Yllyssa C. Fordan, Mariah Dora G. Rallos, and Larry N. Digal. Optimization Model of Supply Chain Network Design for Small-scale Banana Flour Production Using Deterministic and Metaheuristic Approach. Philipp J Sci 151(5): 1995–2009.

  • Lorilla A.P., Fronteras, J.P., Chavez, B.B.G., Villame, R.G.E. and Alviola, P.A.A. IV. (2022). Effect of Indigenous Processing by Obu Manuvuon the Anti-nutrient and Nutrient Factors of Taro (Colocosia esculenta). Mindanao Journal of Science and Technology, 20(2) (2022).

  • “Effects of Indigenous Processing by Obu Manuvu on Anti-nutrient and Nutrient Factors of Taro (Colocasia esculenta)” by Aaron P. Lorilla, Jennifer P. Fronteras, Belfred Bryan G. Chavez, Rovi Gem E. Villame, and Pedro A. Alviola IV has been accepted for publication in the Mindanao Journal of Science and Technology.

  • Songcayauon, RC, “Characterizing the Urban Green Spaces in Davao City,” 11-Oct-22, Banwa A, University of the Philippines Mindanao University Press, Raymundo R. Pavo, Isidoro R. Malaque III, eds. Vol. 14: 2021-2022

Assistant Professor John Bengan's short story collection 'ARMOR' was released this November by the Ateneo University Press. It contains his Palanca award-winning short story and 12 other stories.  

(Photo from the Ateneo University Press Facebook page)

Inst. Sam Sanchez is one of the exhibiting artists of the Fotomoto 22: Home exhibition at Parola UP Fine Arts Gallery from 19 November to 09 December 2022. His photo entries “Working from home” and “After ‘Pablo’ New Bataan, Davao de Oro” were selected to be displayed at the said exhibition.

Teams in public service

In July 2022


PROJECT IWAS: Support for Publication of the Research Article Entitled, "Multifaceted Assessment of Wastewater-Based Epidemiology for Sars-Cov-2 in selected urban communities in Davao City, Philippines: A Pilot Study" in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (Processing the Memorandum of Agreement).

PROJECT PPASTOL: Conducted a Workshop on Markdown files for student interns. This workshop was organized by the Research Promotions and Trainings Division of AMDABiDSS-Health PPASTOL for the purpose of having a Central Drive for the project's methodologies and operation practices.

PPASTOLxRESILIEMC: Organizers for DOST - PCHRD’s Site Visit in Mapuá Malayan Colleges Mindanao. 07 July 2022. Personnel from both projects organized the site visit

of DOST - PCHRD to its funded projects in Mapuá Malayan Colleges Mindanao. RESILIEMCE highlighted their accomplishments to the funding agency while

PPASTOL, together with the Program/Project leader offered assistance especially in presenting the Decision Support System.

PPASTOL: (Organizers) Training for Writing Research Proposals [DOH DCHD]. 14-15 July 2022. Mata, MA., Lachica, ZP., Peralta, JM., Quitor, JS., Lato, JI., and Lorono, HG., facilitated a workshop for DOH Davao Region on how to write research proposals to be submitted to external funding agencies.

PPASTOL: Thesis Mentorship. Quinco, M. Finalist for Best Thesis in Applied Mathematics (Data Analysis and Statistics Category).

PPASTOL: Thesis Mentorship. Pesidas, J. Best Thesis in Applied Mathematics (Mathematical

Modeling Category).

PPASTOL: Thesis Mentorship. Torrecampo, A.L.. Best Thesis in Applied Mathematics

(Mathematical Modeling Category).

PPASTOL: Thesis Mentorship. Panogalinog, I. Best Thesis in Applied Mathematics (Algorithms Category).

PPASTOL: Thesis Mentorship. Andao, L. Finalist for Best Thesis in Applied Mathematics (Data Analysis and Statistics Category).

IWAS: V. Kobayashi, R. Miguel, K.A. Go, K.C. Nulada, and J. Santillana. Internal QGIS Training for Applied Mathematics Student Interns and URA for Data Analytics. 29 July 2022.

Best Thesis winners:

Ivy Grace Panogalinog, "Whole Genome-Based Predictive Modeling and Viral Phylodynamic Analysis of SARS-COV-2 in Davao Region," May Anne Mata, Adviser

Juremae T. Persidas, "A mixed-Integer Programming Model for Optimal Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccines in Davao City," ME Mata, Adviser

Annie Loren T. Torrecampo, "Alanysis of a Modified SEIR Model with Vaccination Fitted to COVID019 Cases in South Cotabato Province Region XII, Philippines," ME Mata, Adviser

Supervisor. Deza A. Amistas. Final Presentation of one (1) Student Intern from Philippine Science High School Zamboanga Peninsula Region Campus under Math Epi Group. 21 July 2022.

Supervisor. Loreniel E. Añonuevo. Final Presentation of two (2) Student Interns from Philippine Science High School Southern Mindanao Campus under Math Epi Group. 26 July 2022.

Supervisors. Paula Ann Gabrielle I. Yap and Noe Jay D. Torres. Final Presentation of three (3) Student Interns from University of Southeastern Philippines under ABM and Optimization Technical Division. 22 July 2022.

Supervisor. Ross Fievanni A. Inguillo. Onboarding of the new batch of (3) Student Interns under the Supervision DSS DevTeam from the College of Information and Computing of University of Southeastern Philippines. July 4, 2022.

Supervisors. Imari Joy C. Borda and Sheryl Grace C. Buenaventura. Final Presentation of three (3) Student Interns from Philippine Science High School Southern Mindanao Campus under Bioinfo Group. 21 July 2022.

Supervisor. Jhunell Lloyd B. Otero. Final Presentation of four (4) Student Interns from Philippine Science High School Southern Mindanao Campus and Zamboanga Peninsula Region Campus under the Research Promotion Division. 29 July 2022.


VCDelaTorre, GDPetros, BLPototan, LEGamalo, JMijares, AFRaganas, and MDamgo. Conducted a 100 man-hour field sampling activity (collected samples, conducted survey) at Brgy. Baganihan. July 2022.

VCDelaTorre, GDPetros, and BLPototan. Accomplished a signed MOA with Philippine Eagle Foundation (PEF) and Interfacing Development Interventions for Sustainability (IDIS) which state the collaboration scope, the responsibility of each component, and intellectual property rights. July 2022.

VCDelaTorre, GDPetros, and BLPototan. Hosted a community presentation for the IP leaders of Brgy. Salaysay and its constituents along with IDIS, and PFFT. July 2022.


D.M. del Mundo, L.A. Murao, E. Baja, C.M. Jaraula, M.C. Otero, and R. Miguel. Online accessibility of the recently published paper titled “Multifaceted Assessment of Wastewater-Based Epidemiology for Sars-Cov-2 in selected urban communities in Davao City, Philippines: A Pilot Study,” 19 July 2022.

In August 2022

AMDABIDSS-Health’s PPASTOL or Predictive Modeling and Viral Phylodynamic Analysis on the Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Disease Outbreaks, organized the Alpha Testing of the program’s Decision Support System. This has been attended and participated by several personnel from PPASTOL, and also RESILIEMC. This was held at the Accreditation Room of Mapua’ Malayan Colleges Mindanao on the 24th of August 2022.

VATAS: Vulnerability Assessment Tool: A Decision Support System for Pre-Emptive Preparedness on Emerging Infectious Diseases (VATAS) team conducted field sampling at Brgy. Salaysay on August 8-12, 2022 for assessment of the species diversity of bats and non-volant mammals in urban green spaces and survey on the knowledge, attitude, and  perception of humans towards animals.

AMDABiDSS-Health: MATA, DELA TORRE, MIGUEL (Resource Speakers) Online Lecture for DOST - PCHRD PSHS CALABARZON Summer Interns Diagnostics and Omics Technologies for Health. 14 July 2022. The DOST - PCHRD requested Dr. Mata to conduct an online lecture for the PSHS CALABARZON Summer interns. Hence, the 3-hour lecture given by personnel from PPASTOL, VATAS, and iWAS.

M.C. Otero and R. Miguel. Presentation of Map Generation via Zoom to the BS Biology Interns from MSU-GSC and Sewershed Map Updating of their encoded GPS coordinates from the team’s Sewershed Tracing Activity . August 22, 2022.

Presentation of Map Generation and iWAS Project Background to BS Biology Interns in DMSF, our future collaborator in Phase 2, of their encoded geographical data from the team’s sewershed tracing activities conducted last August 3 and 18, 2022.

MAEMata, as AMDABiDDS-Health Program Leader, participated in CIMPA School 2022 on Mathematical Modeling of Ecosystems at Butuan City. 22 August 2022.

The DOST-PCHRD conducted a field visit to AMDABIDSS-Health for project monitoring and equipment tagging, on November 11, 2022. Dr. May Anne E. Mata (PPASTOL) presented the proposed sustainability plans of the program to continue with the help of the implementing agencies, University of the Philippines Mindanao and Mapúa Malayan Colleges Mindanao, DOST Philippines, DOST PCHRD, research partners from LGUs and NGOs, and the decision-makers. 

End of AMDABIDSS-Health section

Individual expertise in public service


Prof. Jhoanna Lynn B. Cruz , PhD (Department of Humanities) delivered a craft lecture on “Sapay Koma: Weaving your Story into Words” to the University of Baguio School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts on 29 April 2022. Prof. Cruz was also featured in the April 23 “Makabayan” episode of the UMPILan FB Writers Forum Series on the theme, “Muling Pagtuklas sa Karunungang-Bayan/Rediscovery of Folk Wisdom.”

[Image/s: ]

Engr. Maynard U. Usares (DMPCS) presented a scientific paper with title, “GIS-based Assessment of Soil Erosion Rate on Talomo Watershed” during the PSABE 2022 Convention, 27 April 2022. 

Assoc. Prof. Karen Joyce Cayamanda (Humanities)* and Asst. Prof. Jezreel Abarca (Human Kinetics)** presented research papers at the 2nd Regional Multidisciplinary Research Conference for SGS-L Graduates , held on 17 May 2022 in celebration of CHED's 28th Founding Anniversary. 

*"Risk Communication Management amid the Pandemic: Transcending the Challenges in DRRM among the flood-vulnerable communities in Davao City, Southern Philippines." 

**"Management Strategies in the Utilization of Sports Facilities in the UP System: A Multiple Case Study." 

[ ]

Oral/Poster/Paper Presentations:

  • Michael Angela J. Urquiola, Angelyn T. Lacap, Leizel B. Secretaria, Vlademir A. Shuck, and   Emma Ruth V. Bayogan. Postharvest and antioxidant quality of ‘Carabao’ mango as affected by fruit bagging and harvesting at two maturity stages. Best Paper Finalist during the 29th National Fruit Symposium. Via Zoom. 18-19 Oct 2022

  • Marbie Alpos, Jozille Leyble and Emma Ruth Bayogan. Fruit and antioxidant qualities of  durian (Durio zibethinus cv. Puyat) treated with ethephon. Paper presented as a Poster during the 29th National Fruit Symposium. Via Zoom. 18-19 Oct 2022

  • Jozille Leyble, Marbie Alpos, and Emma Ruth Bayogan. Postharvest quality and antioxidant properties of durian (Durio zibethinus cv. Puyat) subjected to various packaging treatments. Paper presented as a Poster during the 29th National Fruit Symposium. Via Zoom. 18-19 Oct 2022

  • Lopez, MA; Lapa, A; Pasa A; Cabardo, JJ; Shuck, V; Secretaria, L, and Aguinaldo, R., Women’s Household Decision-Making: A Pathway for Effective Mango Technology Adoption in the Island Garden City of Samal. 29th National Fruit Symposium, 18-19 October 2022. Organized by the Philippine Fruits Association, Inc. 

  • KFACalumba presented the paper entitled “Probiotic Viability in Marang (Artocarpus odoratissimus) Juice Inoculated with Putative Lactobacillus paracasei C1I12” at the 12 th Asian Conference on Lactic Acid Bacteria – October 10-13 at Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

  • Ragragio, AMR;  Paluga, MD, “What are ‘mythic images’ in Manobo epic-chanting practices and can they be taught formally in schools as such?” 2022 Philippine Conference on Indigenous Languages, TEBTEBBA Foundation (Indigenous Peoples’ International Centre for Policy Research and Education), Ugnayang Pambansa para sa Katutubong Kaalaman at Talino (UPAKKAT), 170+ Talaytayan MLE Inc., University of the Philippines Diliman 25-27 October 2022

  • Lopez, MA; Lapitan, AV; Aranas, BD; Fayon, MRP; Anastacio, NJC; Predo, CD, et al., “Tree-to-Bar in a post-conflict area: A woman-led cooperative’s innovative value-adding approach in Paquibato District,Davao City, Philippines”, International Conference “Innovation for Resilience Agriculture”, October 19-21, 2022, Chiang Mai University, Thailand

At the 44th UGAT Annual Conference held in Marinduque State College on October 26-28, 2022. 

  • Ragragio, AMR;  Paluga, MD, “Why is there a balangoy ‘boat’ in the highlands of Pantaron?  On how ‘mythic images’ work in the pag-ugpo ritual” 

  • Ragragio, AMR;  Paluga, MD, “What is an Arakan datu doing in the Maranaw land? On how Manobo epic scenography ties far-flung spaces of Mindanao” 

  • Millondaga, KJI; Paluga, MD, "Why is an epic about Kulaman being sung in Magpet? —On the spatial spread of an epic genre and an intimate description of its reception"

  • Myfel D. Paluga & Emmanuel Nabayra, Jr, “"What ‘ethnic group’ is Agyu a ‘hero’ of and what are these Agyu epics singing about?—On the central concerns of Manobo epic narratives"

  • Wave M. Laranas (4BS Anthro student), “Semilya ko, semilya mo: Building and cementing community and familial ties through seed saving practices and seed exchange mechanisms in New Murcia, Davao del Sur”

  • Sittie Asia S. Marohom (4BS Anthro student), "Youth-hood to motherhood: Women’s intergenerational narratives on early pregnancy in New Murcia, Matanao, Davao del Sur"

  • Emmanuel Rave U. Sumugat (4BS Anthro student), "Pangwarta, pagsamba, ug pagsaka: The cultural logic of Ponzi scheme participation in a peasant agrarian reform community"

  • Rey Mart A. Lapiña, “Mula Kalsada Hanggang Cybora: Naratibo at Danas ng mga Prostituted Transpinay sa Lungsod ng Davao sa Panahon ng Pandemya”

Papers presented at “WSAP National Conference 2022: New Governance and COVID Recovery: What Now for Gender Equality?” November 23-24, 2022, Talisay City, Negros Occidental:

  • “Gender and Agriculture: A Literature Review on the Gender Issues in the Agriculture Sector” by Princess Anne B. Padios, Glory Dee A. Romo, Rodgessa A. Lopez, Francis Levi A. Durano, Jonna Belle D. Hollite, and Jon Marx P. Sarmiento. 

  • “A review on the fisheries policies and gender nexus in the Philippines” by Francis Levi A. Durano, Glory Dee A. Romo, Rodgessa A. Lopez, Jonna Belle D. Hollite, Princess Anne B. Padios, and Jon Marx P. Sarmiento.  

  • “Vulnerability and resilience of women in the Philippine food systems during the COVID-19 Pandemic” by Glory Dee A. Romo, Jon Marx P. Sarmiento, Geraliza D. Wahing, Francis Levi A. Durano, and Adonis M. Traje. Prof. Romo was given the “Best Paper Presenter” award for this presentation. 

Academic Extension / Public Service

The Philippine Genome Center Mindanao service units delivered the following services in October

Training Services 

  • October 4-6, 2022, Merged institutions undergone Basic Molecular Biology Training

  • October 13-14, 2022, Police Regional Office 11

The Omics Laboratory Services performed the following services:

1. Tamarind Genome Functional Analysis (October 7, 2022)

2. DNA Barcoding of Beetles (Oct 13, 2022)

3. DNA Extraction from Fecal samples (October 18, 2022)

4. DNA Extraction from Fecal samples (October 18, 2022)

5. DNA extraction and quantification, Protein quantification (October 18, 2022)

6. DNA extraction and quantification, SDS-PAGE, Protein quantification (October 18,


7. Protein quantification (Qubit Fluorometer) (October 18, 2022)

8. DNA Barcoding of Sponges (October 18, 2022)

Facility rentals provided:

1. Facility and Equipment Rental for 12 months (October 7, 2022)

2. Equipment Rental (qRT-PCR, PCR Hood, centrifuge, micropipettes plus plastic

consumables) (October 17, 2022)

Ongoing African Swine Fever Virus Diagnostics 

  • One (1) Standard Operating Procedure Manual developed

  • 2,392 samples tested, to date. From Regions 10, 11, and 12

    • Commercial: 1,260

    • Surveillance: 1,132

Ongoing SARS-CoV2 Sequencing

  • 123 SARS-COV-2 diagnostics trainees under UP TRAINS program, from DOH Budget Grant: P2,344,655.65  

  • 1,300 samples sequenced, to date. 

    • Region 11: 1,124 samples

    • Region 12: 165 samples

    • BARMM: 11 samples

Link to photos:

AMDABIDSS-Health research program

AMDABIDSS-Health, UPMin’s Niche Center in the Regions for R&D, researchers presented papers in the 16th Annual Convention of the Mathematical Society of the Philippines (MSP) Regions 10, 12, and BARMM, at Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology, October 27-28, 2022:

  • Ms. Deza A. Amistas - "Analysis of the Control Measures Used on COVID-19 in Davao City Using Optimal Control"

  • Mr. Loreniel E. Añonuevo - "New Normal: Threshold of and forecasting COVID-19 cases in the Selected Regions of Mindanao, Philippines"

  • Ms. Hannah Faye C. Culaste - "A Decision Support System for the Optimal Allocation and Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccines in the Philippines using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Integer Programming (IP) models"

  • Mr. Jayve Iay E. Lato - "The Landscape of Dengue Modeling and Modeling Insights in Mindanao Island, Philippines: A Scoping Review"

AMDABiDSS-Health led by Project Leaders, Dr. May Anne E. Mata and Dr. Gernelyn T. Logrosa travelled to invite partners to the second wave of DiWA: Disease Watch and Analytics User's Training and prospective collaboration 

  • Site Visit to BARMM, October 4, 2022. 

    • Ministry of Health - BARMM 

    • Ministry of Science and Technology - BARMM 

  • Site Visit to Region XII (SOCCSKSARGEN) October 3-5, 2022.

    • Regional Director of DOST XII - Cotabato, Dir. Sammy P. Malawan

    • DOH - Center for Health Development Region XII.

PPASTOL research project 

  • Consultation meeting with PGC Mindanao on October 24, 2022, to discuss accessibility of Mindanao genomic data and the potential research collaboration 

  • Workshop on Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis at Koronadal City, South Cotabato. 18 - 21 October 2022, for Department of Health - Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN personnel, October 18 - 21, 2022.

Ongoing manuscripts

  • A Phylodynamic Analysis of the Early COVID-19 Spread in the National Capital Region of the Philippines.

  • Phylogenetic and Phylodynamic Analyses of SARS-CoV-2 in Mindanao Philippines.

  • An Agent-Based Model on COVID-19 dynamics during enhanced community quarantine: Exploring the role of food relief system in the presence of two SARS-CoV-2 Variants

  • Short-term lag effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions on SARS Cov-2 (COVID-19) incidence in Davao City, Philippines: Community quarantine effect on the lag pattern

  • Transmission dynamics and baseline epidemiological parameter estimates of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pre-vaccination: Davao City, Philippines

  • A Glimpse of the COVID-19 Threat to the Vulnerable Population of Davao Region, Philippines from March 2020 to August 2021

  • A Decision Support System for the Optimal Allocation and Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccines using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Integer Programming (IP) models

  • The Landscape of Dengue Modeling in Mindanao Island, Philippines: A scoping Review

  • Variants-of-concern, transmission dynamics and baseline epidemiological parameter estimates of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) mid-vaccination: Davao City, Philippines

  • Optimal Control for COVID-19 in Davao City

  • Mathematical modelling of COVID-19 spread in various regions in the Philippines

RESILIEMC research project 

  • Fieldwork 

    • Notre Dame of Marbel University (NDMU) at Region 12 - SOCCSKSARGEN. October 5, 2022. To increase the number of respondents for Online Survey Enumerators. Gathered 115 respondents,

    • Bureau of Internal Revenue- Iligan City. October 25, 2022. To increase the number of responses for region 10. 

    • Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT). October 26-28, 2022. To increase the number of respondents 

    • Survey to Region 13. October 14, 2022. Online survey with employees of Department of Interior and Local Government – Regional Office XIII (DILG Region XIII) 

  • Ongoing Manuscripts

  • Risk Factors Associated with Severity and Survivability of Covid-19 patients: Empirical Evidence from Davao Region

VATAS component research project

  • Project VATAS reached a research milestone with the successful sequencing of a novel Betacoronavirus from a bat animal reservoir. The RNA extracts of 42 CoV positive samples from Brgy. Tagakpan, Brgy. Sirawan, and Brgy. Bago Aplaya (Carbon Forest) underwent a series of experiments for optimization from September to October 2022. Finally, on October 17, 2022, was the successfully sequencing of a novel Betacoronavirus RdRP Gene from a bat (C. brachyotis) using PanCoV and BatCoV primers. 

  • Project VATAS met with the Davao City Planning and Development Office on October 26, 2022 to present results of a study that can help in policy making and city planning and for possible collaboration

  • Poster (2) and Oral (1) presentation accepted on October 3, 2022, to the "1st Virtual International Conference on Biodiversity (VICONBIO), to be held on November 23-25, 2022, in Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology

    • Species Composition of Volant and Small Non-Volant Mammals in the Green Spaces of Davao City, Davao del Sur, Philippines

    • Increased detection of coronavirus in fecal and salivary excretions among local bats in Davao City, Philippines

    • Risk Factor Analysis on Likelihood of Occurrence of Coronaviruses Among the Local Bats in the Green Spaces of Davao City, Southern Philippines

  • Papers accepted October 13, 2022, for oral presentation in the "30th Philippine Biodiversity Symposium & BCSP General Assembly,'' to be held on 6–9 December 2022 at Father Saturnino Urios University, Butuan City. 

    • Increased detection of coronavirus in fecal and salivary excretions among local bats in Davao City, Philippines”

    • Risk Factor Analysis on Likelihood of Occurrence of Coronaviruses Among the Local Bats in the Green Spaces of Davao City, Southern Philippines

    • Species Composition of Volant and Small Non-Volant Mammals in the Green Spaces of Davao City, Davao del Sur, Philippines

  • University Researcher Gelli Dane T. Petros was accepted to a Global Training on COVID-19 genomics and bioinformatics training, 31st of October to December 2, 2022. 

Ongoing Manuscripts: VATAS 

  • Vulnerability Assessment of Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) in Davao City, Southern Philippines.

  • Urban-coronavirus Vulnerability Index Construction for Davao City, Philippines.

  • Location Optimization of Healthcare Facilities for Emerging Infectious Diseases in Davao City.

  • Risk Factor Analysis on Likelihood of Occurrence of Coronaviruses Among the Local Bats in the Green Spaces of Davao City, Southern Philippines.

  • Species Composition of Volant and Small Non-Volant Mammals in the Green Spaces of Davao City, Davao del Sur, Philippines

IWAS component research project

  • Organized and conducted a Basic GIS Training with hands-on QGIS activity on October 25, 2022, for BS Biology students

  • iWAS Meeting with BS Biology undergraduate thesis students on 06 October 2022 for their thesis on Wastewater-Based Epidemiology, Sewershed, Antimicrobial Resistance, COVID-19 Surveillance, and RT-LAMP Development. 

  • Fieldwork for Barangay Coordination and Sewershed tracing in Barangay Pangyan. 03 October 2022. Site reconnaissance and initial assessment for the next step of  Wastewater-Based Epidemiology as a future reference.

  • Ongoing Manuscripts:

    • Open Data for Assessing Health Interventions Against COVID-19 in Highly Urbanized Cities in the Philippines

    • Utilization of Sewershed Map for Public Health Surveillance in Davao City, Philippines

    • Analysis and Modeling of Physico-chemical properties of Wastewater and its correlation to COVID-19

    • Systematic review on Analytical methods for Wastewater Surveillance

    • Scoping Study of Wastewater Surveillance in the Philippines and other countries

  • Applications for Research Conferences by Maria Catherine B. Otero, 

    • Sustainable Davao Research Symposium (Davao City). 11 November 2022.

    • 49th Philippine Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (PSBMB) Annual Convention (Virtual). 24 November 2022.

    • 27th Annual Convention Philippine Society for Microbiology, Inc - Mindanao (General Santos

Papers presented in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2022 Research Symposium, November 11, 2022: 

  • Species Composition of Volant and Small Non-Volant Mammals in the Green Spaces of Davao City, Davao del Sur, Philippines, by Brian L. Pototan (VATAS project)

  • Opportunities for Enhancing Epidemic Preparedness through Wastewater-based Epidemiology in Highly-Urbanized Cities, by Maria Catherine B. Otero, MSPH (iWAS project)

  • Risk Factors Associated with Severity and Survivability of COVID-19 Patients: Empirical Evidence from Davao Region, by Charisse B. Miguel (RESILIEMC project) 

  • Vulnerability Assessment of Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) in Davao City, Southern Philippines, by Marie Damgo (VATAS)

Papers presented in the 1st Virtual International Conference on Biodiversity (VICONBIO), Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology, November 23-25, 2022

  • “Increased Detection of Coronavirus in Fecal and Salivary Excretions among Local Bats in Davao City, Philippines” 

  • “Species Composition of Volant and Small Non-Volant Mammals in the Green Spaces of Davao City, Davao del Sur, Philippines”

• The team of the research project, “Annotated Compendium of Gender and Development Research in Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources (AANR): Towards Developing the AANR Gender and Development Research and Development Agenda and Framework”, composed of Prof. Glory Dee A. Romo, Ms. Rodgessa Lopez, Ms. Jonna Hollite, Ms. Princess Ann Padios, and Mr. Francis Levi Durano organized the InDesign Training for student assistants on November 21, 2022 at Lorenzo Hall, UP Mindanao. This training aimed to provide an opportunity for the students to synthesize and present their experiences and learnings about the landscape of gender and development studies and reflections on various gender issues in the AANR sector of the Philippines.  

Prof. Jose Ildefonso U. Rubrico served as a reviewer/referee for “FastATDC: Fast Anomalous Trajectory Detection and Classification,” an article submitted to the 18th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) 2022 on 1 May. He was also a technical expert and evaluator for the PCIEERD GIA proposal, “CREATE: Collaborative Robotics for Emerging Applications and Technology” during the PCIEERD Technical Panel Meeting on 2 May. On 19 May, he participated as speaker in the DOST 7th National R&D Conference: Advancer Kit for Pitching and Presenting Webinar.

Asst. Prof. Minerva Rosel was recognized with a UAP Service Award 2022 as the Director of the 47th UAP National Convention, 26 May 2022

Comidoy-Acol, Merle Dawn served in the 5th Virtual Regional Assembly of Education Leaders Supervisors and Principal Edition (RAEL-SPE) for 2022, 25-27 May 2022, Department of Education

Prof. Aurelia Luzviminda V. Gomez served as an AUN-QA Self-assessment report (SAR) External Reviewer from May 4-7, 2022. As an external reviewer, Prof. Gomez reviewed the draft self-assessment report of the UP Baguio BS Management (BS ME) program for AUN- QA assessment and discussed with the program representatives comments and suggestions possible for the improvement of the SAR.

Prof. Imee Marie Acopiado served as a Coach for the “Department of Trade (DTI)-Philippine Center for Entrepreneurship (PCE) GO Negosyo Kapatid Mentor Me Project (KMME)” last May13-14, 2022 and May 16, 2022. Prof. Acopiado provided technical assistance through coaching and mentoring towards improving the mentees’ Business Improvement Plans. The beneficiaries were the DTI-PCE GO Negosyo KMME Region 2 Mentees. • Prof. Imee Marie A. Acopiado served as a coach for the Department of Trade and Industry- Philippine Center for Entrepreneurship (DTI-PCE) GO Negosyo Kapatid Mentor Me Project (KMME) held last August 6, 2022. Prof. Acopiado provided technical assistance through coaching and mentoring of assigned mentees of the KMME program of Region 2 to improve their Business Improvement Plans.

Karen Joyce G. Cayamanda, Closing Remarks speaker, PACE Webinar on Humanizing Media Communication, 20-Aug-22, Online. Karen Joyce G. Cayamanda, Welcome Remarks speaker, IIARI Webinar, 27-Aug-22, Online

Ms. Marilou O. Montiflor served as an organizer and moderator during the Gender Sensitivity Orientation and UP Anti-Sexual Harassment Code Orientation held last May 23, 2022 via Zoom. The event was organized by the University of the Philippines Mindanao Office of Gender and Development. • Ms. Marilou O. Montiflor served as an evaluator during the inception meeting of a DOST-PCAARRD-funded project held last August 30, 2022. As an evaluator, Ms. Montiflor provided comments to the project team during the inception meeting.

• Ms. Marilou O. Montiflor was one of the organizers of the Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines (HGDG) Workshop held last November 24-25, 2022.

Prof. Glory Dee A. Romo served as a resource speaker during the Agribusiness Master Class Module 1: Introduction to the Value Chain last May 24, 2022 via Zoom. Prof. Romo discussed about Value Chain Functions and Mapping. • Prof. Glory Dee A. Romo was a resource speaker during the Appreciation Webinar on Value Chain Analysis held last August 26, 2022. This was organized by the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD) and the Romblon State University (RSU). There were approximately 160 participants composed of the faculty and students of the College of Business and Accountancy of RSU, and the project proponents of the Romblon marble value chain analysis study.

College of Science and Mathematics extended services to the Davao de Oro Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office Flood Control Master Plan team on 13 May 2022.

Asst. Prof. Cyrose Suzie Silvosa-Millado (judge), 3-minute Pitch Competition, 2nd 2nd Research, Development and Extension Week, organized by the Arts and Science Department, San Pedro College (via Zoom), 4 May

The Dept of Biological Science & Environmental Studies (DBSES) organized a lecture series: Feature Lecture 2: Genomic Tools for Biogeography and Ecological Adaptation - Cases of Arachnids and Insects by Associate Professor Yong-Chao Su, Ph.D. Kaohsiung Medical University on 24 June.

Phil. Genome Center (PGC)-Mindanao organized the 2022 Basic Molecular Biology Training (F2F) for Gensan Doctors Faculty. PGC Mindanao Science Education and Training DIvision. Molecular Biology Laboratory, CSM, UP Mindanao. 13-15 June.

The DMPCS organized an online webinar: “2022 DMPCS Research Webinar: Some Tools from Dynamical Systems for Mathematical Biology” with Prof. Tecarro from University of Houston Downtown as resource speaker. 27 June.

Prof. Mata was resource speaker for the workshop: Writing a Research Paper, organized by AMDABiDDS-Health for DOH-CHD Region 12. June 7-8.

The STOP Rabies research program hosted a Virtual Program Site Visit via Zoom on 29 June.

Prof. JN Alviola was technical reviewer of 2 proposals for CHED’s Office of Planning, Research and Knowledge Management (Research Management Division).

Prof. Rubrico was technical expert/evaluator for the Appraisal Review of the completed PCIEERD GIA-funded project: “SpaceBetweenUs: A Computer Vision Application for Physical Distancing Monitoring in Public Areas”. PCIEERD Technical Panel Meeting. 24 June.

U. Researcher MO Montiflor, Prof. MC Castro, resource speakers, 2nd Agribusiness Master Class, June 8, 15, 23, 2022 via Zoom.

MO Montiflor, co-organizer, Prof. NM Glova, resource person, Gender Sensitivity Orientation: Gender Fair Language, June 23, 2022 via Zoom.

MO Montiflor, 

  • co-organizer, Roundtable Discussion: Panaghisgotanay Bahin sa Estado sa mga LGBTQ++, June 27, 2022 via Zoom.

  • co-organizer, “Pride Narratives: Poetry and Art as Medium of Self-Expression,” June 29, 2022 via Zoom.

Rabcast Team (with MAEMata) as guest lecturer for the Hybrid Summer Immersion Program for the Philippine Science High School (Main Campus) via Zoom. 11 July.

MAEMata as resource speaker: AMDABiDSS-Health’s Training on Writing Research Proposals with DOH-DCHD.

Alviola, JNA. Technical reviewer (2nd round of review) of a proposal for CHED’s Office of Planning, Research and Knowledge Management (Research Management Division)

AEDeCadiz as moderator for the Annual Scientific Conference of the Philippine Society of Parasitology with a theme: “Pandemic and Beyond: Challenges and innovations in the control of parasitic diseases in the now normal.” July 28- 29, 2022.

Karen Joyce G. Cayamanda, Vulnerability Profile and Risk Related Behavior towards flooding: The Case of the flood vulnerable communities in Davao City, Southern Philippines,  27-Aug-22, Asia Future Conference (International, Online), Aug 27-29, 2022

Community-based risk communication model for flood-risk reduction among vulnerable communities in Davao City, Philippines, 28-Aug-22, Asia Future Conference (International, Online), Aug 27-29, 2022

Dennis John F. Sumaylo, Probing individual and sectoral engagement as pre-disaster communication conduits, 28-Aug-22, Asia Future Conference (International, Online), Aug 27-29, 2022

Perez, Teody Boylie, 

ExhibitorPhilippine-Japan Friendship Celebration, Philippine Association of Japanese Government Scholars (PHILAJAMES Mindanao),

Speaker, Webinar on how art strengthens the diplomatic ties between the Philippines and Japan, Zoom & Facebook Live, August 13, 2022,

Pavo, Raymundo R., 

Resource Person,

Mainstreaming Gender in Research, Northern Negros State College, Sagay City, July 27-28, 2022, 20 participants

Gender Sensitivity Training for GFPS-Execom and GFPS-TWG, DPWH Region XI, 30 & 31 Aug-22, 40+40 participants, DPWH-Region XI


Liberty, Equality and the Wilt Chamberlain Argument, Social Ethics Society Journal of Applied Philosophy, 25-Aug-22 - 2-Sep-22, SES Journal

Analysis of On-line Cockfighting Using the Philosophy and Theory of Capital of P. Bourdieu, Social Science Diliman, 18-Aug-22 - 3-Sep-22, Social Science Diliman

JIURubrico as Referee/Technical Reviewer for manuscript submitted to the International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (TCIM-2022-IJCIM-0221), “Analysing the role of Multi-Agent Technology in enhancing quality in manufacturing processes”; Accepted invitation to review, Aug. 5, 2022 (received invitation, July 28, 2022; review due in September 2022).

JIURubrico as Technical expert / evaluator for the Year 2 renewal of the DOST CRADLE project, “i-DRIP (IoTBase Dispenser for Real-time Intelligent Pour) an IoT-Based Real-Time Control and Monitoring System for Smart Beverage Dispenser”; PCIEERD Technical Panel Meeting; August 25, 2022.

ERVBayogan as Evaluator, National R and D Review of the Bureau of Plant Industry, 17 August 2022, Hotel Esse, Davao City

Prof. Emma Ruth Bayogan was named as President of PhilFruits Association Inc. , an NGO dedicated to creating a globally competitive Philippine fruit industry. Prof. Bayogan is a UP Scientist II whose research interests include extending the shelf-life of fruits and vegetables. (Image from Philfruits Association Inc.)

Armando R. Salazar, Volunteer Umpire, Asst. Umpire, Batang Pinoy Qualifier, Davao City, August 12 , 2022, DHK, MEDATTA/PSC

• The School of Management Master in Management (MM) Bridge Program via Zoom last August 26-27, 2022. A/Prof. Glory Dee A. Romo on Complex Adaptive Systems on the first day. Prof Pedro A. Alviola IV on Quantitative Tools for Management. a/Prof Miko Mariz C. Castro on Mixed Methods in Research. a/Prof. Imee Marie Acopiado on Strategic Marketing. Finance and Business Analysis by Ms. Rodgessa A. Lopez. a/Prof. Thaddeus R. Acuña on Case Study Method. A/Prof. Aurelia Luzviminda V. Gomez on Strategic Planning. A total of 21 incoming students attended.

Instructors Merle Dawn Comidoy-Acol and Ena Marie Olivares-Dizon, both from the Department of Humanities, were named as screeners for the 9th Globe Media Excellence Awards (GMEA) with the theme, “#PadayonDigital: Uplifting Lives Through Digital Technology.” They will be among other academics and communications specialists from Visayas and Mindanao to screen 92 finalists. The awarding ceremony was held on 6 May 2022, streamed live on GlobeICON’s Facebook page. 

[Image: ]

Source: SunStar Davao

The following faculty members also shared their professional expertise in various activities, events, and publications:

  • Instructor Lief Erikson Gamalo (DBSES) served as a resource person for the “Differences between macaques living in the forest and those living in villages” episode of “Born to be Wild.” He shared his expertise in primatology to observe macaques at New Israel in Makilala, North Cotabato. You may view the episode here . [Image: ]

  • University Researcher Marilou O. Montiflor , lecturer, “Overview of Cooperatives” Pre-Membership Education Seminar, UPMMPC, 5 April 2022

  • Asst. Prof. Vicente B. Calag , attendee, Durian Project Meeting with Industry Partners in Wangan, Calinan, Davao City and Farm Site Visit, 7 April 2022

  • Prof. Emma Ruth V. Bayogan  

    • Participant, iCRADLE Durian proposal participation to DOST and USAID-STRIDE visitors, Belviz Farm, 20 April 2022

    • Member, Editorial Board of the Scientific Committee, Acta Horticulturae vol. 1336, Proceedings of the V Asia Symposium on Quality Management of Postharvest Systems, published March 2022, 53 articles

    • Journal article referee: (1) Characterization of the role of sodium nitroprusside, a nitric acid donor, on vase life and postharvest attributes of Alstroemeria aurea ‘Orange Queen’. Scientia Horticulturae. (2) Version 2 of Changes in physio-biochemical status of cut rose (Rosa hybrida L. cv. Samurai) flowers under methyl jasmonate, brassinosteroid and fungal elicitor to control gray mold. Scientia Horticulturae.

    • Project Staff, Online publication for Food Loss and Waste, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 2022

    • Project Coordinator for the Philippines, Work Package for Postharvest and Food Safety and Fruits and Vegetables for Sustainable and Health Diets (FRESH) as part of the Consultative Group of International Agricultural Research Centers (CGIAR), 2022-24. 

  • Prof. Jose Ildefonso Rubrico

    • Reviewer/referee, “Near-Optimal Scheduling of IC Packaging Operations Considering Processing-Time Variations and Factory Practice”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters

    • Participant, PCCIEERD AI Board Meeting with Exec. Dir. Dr. Paringit and other fellow board members, 21 April

  • Assoc. Prof. Aleyla Escueta-De Cadiz , organizer, One Health Omics on Campus Bioinformatics Training, One Health Omics Project (DOST-PCHRD), 19-21 April

Ms. Marilou O. Montiflor was a volunteer for the English Tutorial in Marilog District organized by the Ugnayan ng Pahinungod UP Mindanao held on June 18, June 25, July 2, and July 9, 2022.

• Prof. Thaddeus R. Acuña served as a Coach/Mentor for the Region 11 mentees during the Kapatid Mentor Me (KMME) program of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Philippine Center for Entrepreneurship (PCE) held last June 6-29, 2022 via Zoom. He provided technical assistance through coaching and mentoring of three assigned mentees of the KMME Program in Davao Region to improve their Business Improvement Plans. He also served as coach/mentor for the Cordillera Region mentees of the KMME program held last July 11-22, 2022 via Zoom. Similar to the Davao Region event, technical assistance was provided through coaching and mentoring of three assigned mentees from Cordillera Administrative Region.

• Ms. Marilou O. Montiflor was among the organizers of the Gender Sensitivity Orientation for Security Personnel held last July 13, 2022. The event was organized by the University of the Philippines Mindanao Office of Gender and Development.

• Ms. Marilou O. Montiflor was one of the judges during the Young Farmers Challenge Provincial Competition 2022 held at the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI)- Davao on July 19-20, 2022.

• Prof. Jon Marx P. Sarmiento and Prof. Pedro A. Alviola IV were among the organizers and resource persons with partners from the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs (MIPA), BARMM on the training on Data Analysis using Statistics and Econometrics held last July 27-30, 2022 in Cotabato City.

• Prof. Thaddeus R. Acuña was a resource speaker during the Module 5 of the 2nd Agribusiness Master Class (AMC) last July 25-26, and July 29, 2022 via Zoom.

• Prof. Jon Marx P. Sarmiento was a resource speaker during the training on “Impact Analysis: Difference in Difference” held last July 25, 2022. Forty-five researchers from across South Asia and other countries participated in the training organized by the University of Western Australia (UWA), Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), and the FBIP Project.

• Ms. Marilou O. Montiflor was among the organizers of the Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines (HGDG) Workshop held last July 28-29, 2022. The event was organized by the University of the Philippines Mindanao Office of Gender and Development.

SAEvangelio, EODiamante as Math faculty-facilitators for the 2022 Student Bridging Program organized by the ILC/LRC headed by JHOSantillan. Opening program via Zoom last July 29.

MSGuillermo as the TBI Manager helped organize the start-up workshops: (1) Introductory Course to Market Validation, (2) Learning Lab on Go to Market Strategy, (3) Learning Lab on Investment Readiness, (4) Learning Lab on How to Tell Your Story Effectively, (5) Chaos Leadership Workshops. MSGuillermo was also invited as a resource person in a Press conference to promote Davao Startup Week Activities. 27 July.

Asst. Prof. Calumba and Ms. KC San Miguel completed 120 hours of training in the 4th DOST-PCAARRD Intellectual Property Master Class Graduation Ceremony, 27 May 2022

[Images: ]

• Prof. Glory Dee A. Romo attended the “Leadership/Management Workshop under Meryl Williams Fellowship” held last August 1 to 19, 2022 in Australia. This was organized by the Gender Equity in Agriculture Research for Development (GEAReD), the University of New England, Australia and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).

• Prof. Nikko L. Laorden attended the “Impact Analysis: Productivity and Technical Efficiency Analysis” held last August 8, 2022. This was organized by the University of Western Australia (UWA), ACIAR, and the Farmer Behaviour Insights Project (FBIP).

• Prof. Pedro A. Alviola IV attended the following seminar/workshops:

1. “Meeting between University of the Philippines and Education Ireland” held last August 6, 2022. It was organized by the UP Office of International Linkages.

2. “2nd System Committee on University Rankings (SCUR) held last August 16, 2022. It was organized by the UP Office of Intenational Linkages.

3. “VATAS Policy Brief Workshop” held last August 18, 2022. It was organized by UP Mindanao and Interfacing Development Interventions for Sustainability (IDIS). Prof. Alviola was also a panel reactor during the workshop.

4. “Philippine Agriculture and Economic Development Association (PAEDA) BOD Meeting” held last August 18, 2022. It was organized by DOST-PCAARRD and Bicol University.

• Prof. Nikko L. Laorden attended the “Impact Analysis: Meta-frontier Analysis” held last August 22, 2022. It was organized by UWA, ACIAR, and the FBIP.

• Prof. Aurelia Luzviminda V. Gomez attended the training on “Advanced Impact Assessment”, held on August 22-24, 2022 (via Zoom). The training was organized by DOST- PCAARRD.

CSM Faculty Members attended the Launching of the Moodle-based LMS via Zoom organized by OVPAA. August 15.

  • JIURubrico as technical expert/evaluator in DOST-PCIEERD Technical Panel Meetings for: (1) Thunderstorm Early Warning System, Oct. 6; (2) Secured Command and Control Communication Link System, Oct. 18; (3) Development of a CNN and RNN topology for Impedance Spectroscopy Analysis.

  • ERVBayogan as one of the editors in BANWA. Also as Peer Reviewer, Postharvest Biology and Technology, Dynamics of ethanol and its metabolites in fruit: The impact of the temperature and fruit species, 29 Oct 2022

  • JNAAlviola facilitated UP Mindanao’s hosting/co-sponsoring of the PCQA 2022: Davao Region Cacao Quality Competition, Oct 12-13, CSM

  • Ms. Marilou O. Montiflor served as a Mentor during the Mentoring Skills activity organized by Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), University of Queensland, and University of New England (UNE) last July 21-29, 2022 and October 11, 2022.

  • Prof. Thaddeus R. Acuña served as a coach for the Department of Trade and Industry-Philippine Center for Entrepreneurship (DTI-PCE) GO Negosyo Kapatid Mentor Me Project (KMME) held on October 10-21, 2022. Prof. Acuña provided technical assistance through coaching and mentoring of three (3) assigned mentees of the KMME program Batch 2 from Davao Region to improve their Business Improvement Plans. 

  • Prof. Acuña also served as one of the Panelists during the KMME Region 9 Batch 2 Business Improvement Plan (BIP) Presentation held last September 27-28, 2022.

  •  Ms. Marilou Montiflor was one of the organizers of the Harmonized Gender and Develpoment Guidelines (HGDG) Workshop held last September 23, 2022 and October 24-25, 2022. The event was organized by the University of the Philippines Mindanao Office of Gender and Development.

  • Prof. Larry N. Digal was one of the speakers during the Vision Talks of the Competitive and Innovation Project Regional Innovation Roadshow held on September 21, 2022 in Sotongrande Hotel, Davao City and on October 25, 2022 in Koronodal City. The roadshow was organized by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) RAPID Growth Project. Prof. Digal presented Recommendations from the Innovation Assessment Studies. Specifically, he presented the “Innovation and Technology Assessment of the Agribusiness Sector and Enabling Agribusiness Innovation for Coffee, Cacao, Coconut, and Processed Fruits and Nuts (Cardaba banana & Jackfruit)”.

  • Ms. Marilou Montiflor was one of the organizers of the Gender Sensitivity Orientation for Janitorial Services and Tricycle Drivers and Operators held last October 28, 2022. The event was organized by the University of the Philippines Mindanao Office of Gender and Development.

  • Ena Marie O. Dizon (Humanities), Resource Person, 

    • Leadership Challenge Training, Davao City, October 25-28, 2022, for DPWH XI, 64 participants

    • Youth Capacity in Peace-building (Importance of Communication in Peace and Development), Online Via Zoom, October 29, 2022, for Coexister Philippines, 50 participants

  • Juvanie C. Lapesigue (DHK), Proctor, Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers (LET) - Secondary (Filipino), 2-Oct-22, for Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)

  • Pavo, Raymundo R., Peer Reviewer, "Towards a Filipino Philosophy of Nationalism: Revisiting Its Issues and Gradual Development Until the Cold War," Suri Journal September 27, 2022, 17-Oct-22. For Suri: Journal of the Philosophical Association of the Philippines


VBCalag attended the Test of Practical Competency in ICT Orientation at the Acacia Hotel, JP Laurel, Davao City last August 2.

JTAcaso participated in the webinar: Functional Genomics Meets Classical Genetics: Insights Into Reproductive Stages Of Drought Tolerance in Rice, PSBMB-CL.18 August

AEDeCadiz as participant during the webinar Advances and Challenges in Lactic Acid Bacteria Research for Food and Industry Applications. The Philippine Society for Lactic Acid Bacteria Inc. August 12.

MAEMata attended the 15th PNHRS Week Celebration Conference.

Samuelle Marionne C. Sanchez, UP-CIFAL, UNITAR webinar: "A Multifaceted Dimension of Cybersecurity: From Data, Management, and the Human Aspects" 15 August 2022 Online Participant.

Krishna H. Balaga, 

Human Movement Science: A Model for Sustainability (HuMS) - Coach Development Program, August 3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 2022, CHED International Continuing Professional Education (ICPE) Program implemented by UP Diliman CHK

International Symposium of the Jockey Club Sports without Limits Youth Empowerment Program cum ASAPE 2022 Hong Kong August 04-06, 2022 Department of Sports Science and Physical Education and Faculty of Education of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, co-organized by the Asian Society for Adapted Physical Education and Exercise (ASAPE)

Healthy Eating 101: Your Guide to Nutrition for Your Growing Child Back to School, August 25, 2022, Center of Health Development–CaLaBaRZon & the Ateneo de Manila University–Institute of Philippine Culture eTURO Project

Psycholinguistic Data Collection Through Field and Online Experiments August 27, 2022, UP Department of Speech Pathology, UP Manila

Juvanie C. Lapesigue,

Human Movement Science: A Model for Sustainability (HuMS) - Human Movement Science and Sustainable Development, August 3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 2022, CHED International Continuing Professional Education (ICPE) Program implemented by UP Diliman CHK

International Webinar on Using New Technologies in Physical Education Lessons August 27, 2022, International Association of Physical Education and Sports (IAPES)

Camille Joyce C. Olebang, "Creating Local Folk Dance: Phases of a Semi Self Published Created Dance and Integrating Variety of Dance Fitness to Develop Students Physical Fitness," August 13 & 20, 2022, 1Phys.Ed.Ph

Jessa C. Gubalani, GSSI Webinar Series 2022: Welcome Back to Sports, 18-Aug-22 Gatorade Sports Science Institute.

Bhen Joshua Acosta, UP Mindanao Teaching Effectiveness Workshop, 23-Aug-22, ILC

Armando R. Salazar, UP Mindanao Teaching Effectiveness Workshop, August 23 & 30, 2022, ILC

• Prof. Glory Dee A. Romo and Ms. Marilou O. Montiflor attended the Academic Writing Course organized by the Australian Centre for Internation Agricultural Research (ACIAR) and University of Queensland from October 13, 2022-November 25, 2022. 

• Prof. Aurelia Luzviminda V. Gomez participated in the SHARE Regional Qualifications Frameworks & Quality Assurance Conference and SHARE-BINUS Seminar: “Enhancing Graduate Employability in ASEAN through Internationalisation of Higher Education” organized by European Union Support to Higher Education in the ASEAN Region (SHARE) Programme in on 21-22 November 2022 in Jakarta, Indonesia. 

• Ms. Rodgessa Lopez and Prof. Glory Dee A. Romo attended the “Training Session on Feminist and Ethical Conduct of Research Involving Women and Individuals of Diverse SOGIESC (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics)” held on November 25, 2022 in Nature’s Village Resort in BacolodTalisay City, Negros Occidental.  This training was organized by the Women and Gender Studies Association of the Philippines.  1

• Ms. Rodgessa Lopez and Prof. Glory Dee A. Romo attended the “Training Session on Engendering the Curriculum” held on November 25, 2022 in Nature’s Village Resort in Bacolod-Talisay City, Negros Occidental.  This training was organized by the Women and Gender Studies Association of the Philippines.

• Prof. VC Dela Torre attended the 1st Virtual International Conference on Biodiversity (VICONBIO) organized by Mindanao State University -IIT. November 23-25, 2022.


Chancellor Lyre Murao received the UP Beta Sigma Fraternity-UP Mindanao Chapter, represented by alumni Emman Militar and Kevin Kuan, who delivered donations of face masks for the Philippine Genome Center (PGC) Mindanao on 4 April 2022. 

[Image: ]

Davao Oriental State University (DORSU) scientists made a courtesy visit to Chancellor Murao on 1 April 2022. 

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In the photo (left-right) are DORSU Professors Misael Clapano and Edison Macusi, PGC Mindanao Program Director Prof. Joel Hassan Tolentino, Chancellor Murao, Erna Macusi, and France Rapiz.

Researchers from the DOST’s Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) visited UP Mindanao on 16 June 2022. The FNRI team is looking forward to a collaboration with UP Mindanao’s interdisciplinary team for the research on “Examining Nutrition and Public Health Issues in the Aging Population.” [Image: FNRI visit.jpg ]

The FNRI team was led by Science Specialist Robby Carlo Tan. They met with Dean Gomez, Prof. Alviola, and Prof. Sarmiento, Ms. Loquias (SOM), Vice Chancellor Estaña, Research Director Nañola, Prof. Calumba (CSM). [Image: FNRI visit.jpg]

UP Mindanao hosted the Ugnayan ng Pahinungod Council meeting in Davao City on August 24-26, 2022. The Council held meetings in the city and took time to visit the UP Mindanao campus and the Marilog Land Reservation.

[image options: suggested caption: the Pahinungod Council in UP Mindanao suggested caption: The Pahinungod Council in the Marilog Land Reservation] 

• On 14 November 2022, a class of third-year Chemistry students from the University of Southern Mindanao, North Cotabato, visited the Lactic Acid Research Project of UP Mindanao.  The visit was part of their two-day industrial tour for their industrial chemistry subject. They were welcomed by Dr. Melvin S. Pasaporte, the Chief Researcher of the project, and his team at the Technology Transfer and Business Development Office.


GMEA announces over 90 finalists from Visayas and Mindanao, SunStar Cebu , 04/29/22

Over 1,600 students join ABS-CBN's Pinoy Media Congress digital caravan, Manila Times , 04/12/22

AMDABiDSS-Health launched to enhance disease surveillance in Mindanao Manila Bulletin Agriculture , 04/04/22

Bukidnon millennial left corporate job to make gourmet chocolates for a living, Manila Bulletin Agriculture , 04/01/22

“Whole-genome sequencing lab in UP Min operational,” SunStar Davao, 05/31/22

“De Lima alarmed over harassment of UP Mindanao students, teachers following red-tagging incident,” EIN Presswire, Everyone's Internet News Presswire™, 05/26/22

“Farmers adopt strategies vs climate change for bananas, mangoes,’ Phil Morning Post, 05/26/22

“PH Best Wildlife TV Show Features NRCP Project on Macaques,” National Research Council of the Phils., 05/25/22

“Wageningen University & Research: Sustainable Tuna Fishing And Empowering Local Fishermen In The Western Pacific,” India Education Diary, 05/25/22

“Wageningen University & Research : Sustainable tuna fishing and empowering local fishermen in the Western Pacific,” Market Screener, 05/25/22

“NTF-ELCAC urge UP-Mindanao to ‘state the evils’ of NPA,” SunStar Davao, 05/25/22

“UPMin admin assures safety of students amid socmed attacks,” MindaNews, 05/25/22

“Harassment’ of UP Students Alarms Senator,” The POST, 05/25/22

“UP-Min concerned over ‘red tagging’” The Edge Davao, 05/24/22

“De Lima alarmed over harassment of UP Mindanao students, teachers following red-tagging incident,” NewsBOT Network, 05/24/22

“Over 600 students earn honors in UP-Mindanao,” SunStar Davao, 05/24/22

“De Lima alarmed by harassment of red-tagged UP Mindanao students, teachers,” Politiko, 05/24/22

“Mistulang red-tagging sa UP Mindanao campus ikinabahala,” TeleRadyo Balita (23 May 2022), ABSCBN Teleradyo, 05/23/22

“UP Mindanao students and faculty face harassment after NPA recruitment allegations,” Manila Bulletin, PostUsZero, 05/23/22

“UP Mindanao concerned over ‘red tagging,’ willing to take legal action,” ABS CBN, 05/22/22

“UP Mindanao students, faculty experience harassment after NPA recruitment allegations,” Manila Bulletin, 05/22/22

“UP-Min calls viral social media post on NPA recruitment ‘baseless,’ ‘irresponsible’ SunStar Davao, 05/22/22

“Women as drivers of innovation in Philippine business,” Business Week Mindanao, 05/16/22

"Mga laboratoryo sa UP Mindanao campus, personal nga gisuta ni DOST Sec. Fortunato dela Peña," Peoples Television, 06/29/22

“Pandemic almost crushed my spirit, says 3rd placer in architect’s exam,” Phil Daily Inquirer, 06/28/22,

“UP Diliman leads top-performing schools for June 2022 Architect Licensure Exam,” Manila Bulletin, 06/23/22,

“2 Davao graduates top architecture board exam,” SunStar Davao, 06/23/22,

“UP Mindanao to offer Masters in Human Movement Science starting AY 2022-2023,” Manila Bulletin, 06/13/22,

“Forum on the Offering of UP Diliman MS in Human Movement Science Extension Classes at UP Mindanao,” UP System website Alumni Page, 06/09/22,

“Baste to Davao City College: Offer demand-driven courses,” SunStar Davao, 06/07/22,

UP-Mindanao produces second summa cum laude, Business Mirror, 07/30/22

UP Mindanao announces approval of pre-med sports science program, Manila Bulletin, 07/28/22

Pinakadakong Grado sa UP Mindanao, nakuha sa usa ka Food Technology graduate, Peoples Television, 07/28/22.

UP Mindanao nagpahigayon og field school sa Matanao, Davao del Sur, Peoples Television,  07/27/22.

Education system sa UP Mindanao Alang sa SY 2022-2023, Blended Learning, Peoples Television, 07/27/22.

Buong communication arts graduates ng UP Mindanao Batch 2022, nagkamit ng Latin honors, PEP, 07/25/22.

UPMin Holds first face-to-face grad exercises in three years, Edge Davao newspaper, 07/23/22.

Mango Growers sa Samal gibansay alang sa internasyonal ug lokal nga merkado, Peoples Television-Davao Del Norte, 07/23/22

Transgender grads’ silent protests draw loudest cheers in UP Mindanao commencement rites, Mindanao Times, 07/22/22

Transgender grads stage silent protests at UP Mindanao, Mindanao Today, 07/22/22.

Transgender grads stage silent protests at UP Mindanao, Mindanao Today, 07/22/22

Davao City drops to 5th in PH for startups, SunStar Davao, 07/21/22.

Transgender grads’ silent protests draw loudest cheers in UP Mindanao commencement rites, MindaNews, 07/20/22

Resumption of CPP peace talks 'betrayal' to Filipinos: ex-rebel, PNA, 07/20/22.

Whole BACMA batch ‘22 from UP-Min graduate with Latin honors, SunStar Davao, 07/20/22.

UPMin BS Food Tech grad is summa cum laude, SunStar Davao, 07/20/22

Alumni on Spotlight: Klarisse A. Cruzado (PSHS SMC BATCH 2018) - Summa Cum Laude, UPMin Class Of 2022 Valedictorian, PSHS SMC

Whole BACMA batch ‘22 from UP-Min graduate with Latin honors - 12 are Magna Cum Laude, 15 Cum Laude , SunStar Davao, 07/20/22.

Whole BACMA batch ‘22 from UP-Min graduate with Latin honors, SunStar Davao, 07/20/22.

UPMin BS Food Tech grad is summa cum laude, SunStar Davao, 07/20/22.

UPMin BS Food Tech graduate is summa cum laude, NewsFort, 07/19/22

1 summa, 80 others graduate with Latin honors in UP Min’s face-to-face graduation rites, MindaNews, 07/19/22.

Ex-communists: NPA turns to Spotify, other online platforms to recruit after NTC blocks websites, Manila Bulletin, 07/18/22

Websites blocked, NPA turns to Spotify to 'recruit' members, PNA, 07/18/22

DOST To Capacitate 5 TBIs In Davao, DOST-XI web page, 07/06/22.

UP Mindanao opens application for Master in Human Movement Science AY2022-2023, Manila Bulletin, 07/03/22

UP Mindanao honors FVR, who signed law creating autonomous campus, MindaNews,  08/01/22

DTI 11 signs pact with UP-Mindanao’s incubation beneficiary, Newsweb, 08/01/22

Nat’l Mourning Days, gideklara subay sa pagpanaw ni kanhi Pres. Fidel Ramos, PTV Davao, 08/02/22

UPMin mourns death of FVR , EDGE Davao, 08/03/22

DHK in Surigao, Peoples Television, 08/05/22

FVR’s legacy and Mindanao, MBulletin, 08/08/22

Codify plans, disaster-prone Davao City villages urged, Edge Davao, 08/10/22

Israel Embassy, Davao consortiums gearing up Davao to be investable place in Philippines, Manila Bulletin, 08/12/22

Israel Embassy hosts innovation week for Davao start-ups, The Manila Times, 08/15/22

ICT industry leaders see potential in Davao City’s startup scene, Sun Star Davao, 08/20/22

Upgrade is named outstanding incubator, Mindanao Times, 08/22/22

Improve is called excellent incubator, Mindanao Instances, 08/23/22

Outstanding Incubator, UP System FB page, 08/23/22

UPMin researchers offer solutions for food and health, The Edge Davao, 08/27/22

SMAARRDEC: "UP Mindanao researchers presented industrial and practical solutions.., UP System FB page, 08/27/22

UPMin researchers launch beer with antioxidants and cheaper lactic acid, Lux-style News, 08/28/22

UPMin researchers launch beer with antioxidants and cheaper lactic acid, Business Mirror, 08/29/22

UP Mindanao Knowledge, Innovation, Science and Technology (KIST) Park, Public-Private Partnerships website, undated

UP Mindanao contributed to the public discourse on the proposed Davao City—Samal Island Bridge project through Prof. Cleto Nañola’s remarks on the effect on marine life given in an interview on Peoples’ Television on October 12, 2022.

The BS Food Technology student’s achievement was featured in Sun Star Davao newspaper.

UPMin’s faculty-researchers’ achievements were featured in the UP Alumni Association page.

UP Mindanao was featured in the website in their list of “Six Best Universities in Davao for International Students”

The UP Mindanao Department of Human Kinetics (DHK) Sports Development Program was featured on PTV Davao, November 29, 2022.

The UPMin Department of Human Kinetics Chairperson, Dr. Jezreel Abarca, emphasized the need for sustainable sports development programs in Mindanao at the "Panaghisgot" forum, Davao City, November 28, 2022.

The Disease Watch and Analytics (DiWa) application users' training launch was featured on PTV Davao, November 25, 2022.